Nutrition is the source of energy that is required to perform all essential body functions. It is one of the pivotal environmental elements that could be utilized to minimize the burden of diseases throughout an individual's lifetime. 

Macronutrients, micronutrients, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, and fatty acids are major nutritional elements that are required for the growth of the body. Deficiency in any one of these elements may cause a broad range of clinical conditions like mood swings, fatigue, bone pain, irregular heart rhythm, retard brain development, etc. 

In this article, we will guide you through different nutritional elements and their role in the human body, and the health problems associated with them. We will also discuss some natural or artificial food supplements that can minimize nutritional deficiency.

What is the role of different nutrients in human body?

The human body is dependent on two major sources of nutrients: macronutrients and micronutrients. 

Essential fatty acids, carbohydrates, protein, and essential amino acids are macronutrients, which are major sources of energy. On the contrary, vitamins and essential minerals are micronutrients, which play an important role in developmental and metabolic processes. 

Deficiency of these nutrients may cause severe detrimental effects and enhance the risk of cancer, recalcitrant microbial infections, diabetes, autoimmune disease, and cardiovascular problems.

What are the diseases that can be caused by nutrient deficiency?

Numerous diseases may occur due to nutrient deficiency. Herein, we have outlined a few diseases. For example:

  1. Protein deficiency: If an infant or child eats protein-deprived food, he is susceptible to diseases like marasmus and kwashiorkor. In this condition, the child is underweight and prone to diseases like diarrhoea, immunosuppression, hypoproteinaemia, and edema.
  2. Carbohydrate deficiency: Some cells of the human body, like neurons, need high amounts of carbohydrates to perform their essential functions. If a person is not getting enough carbohydrates in his diet, he may be affected by a disease called ketosis, where ketone production in the body is enhanced. In ketosis, a pungent sweet smell comes from the patient's mouth.
  3. Fatty acid deficiency: Children and adults with fatty acid deficiency may have lower wound healing capacity, scaly, dry skin, and repeated incidences of infection. In several cases, people with coronary heart disease have lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids.
  4. Iron deficiency: Iron has an important role in the building of red blood cells that transport oxygen through the different parts of the body. A Person suffering from iron deficiency may feel fatigue, shortened breath, swollen tongue, headache, brittle nail,s and cold hands and feet. All these symptoms lead to the anemia disease condition.
  5. Folate deficiency: Folic acid/ folate, which is known as vitamin B9, plays a prime role in maintaining a healthy brain and spine. An adequate amount of folate is required in women of childbearing age. Folate deficiency may retard growth and affect brain function. If you feel fatigued, have a tender tongue feeling, low growth, and diarrhoea, then you may have folate deficiency.
  6. Magnesium deficiency: Magnesium has a crucial role in bone growth and energy production. Symptoms of low magnesium may include loss of appetite, vomiting, muscle cramps, seizure, and irregular heart rhythm.
  7. Potassium deficiency: Potassium assists in good nerve, muscle, heart, and bone growth. It also delivers nutrients to the cells and tissues and manages the negative impact of sodium in the blood. People suffering from potassium deficiency experience muscle weakness, irregular bowel movements, and heart rhythms.

A balanced diet can address all these deficiencies. For example, you can include egg, mushroom, soybean, and meat products to address protein deficiency. Similarly, bread, potatoes, and rice are excellent sources of carbohydrates. 

On the other hand, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and spinach are rich in folic acid. Beat greens, lentils, and avocados are good sources of potassium. Sometimes, doctors suggest external nutritional supplements to treat deficiencies. 

For example, Folvite DHA Capsule contains Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), Pyridoxal-5-phosphate, Methylcobalamin, and L-Methyl Folate, which keeps your heart, muscle, and kidney health at optimum. This supplement contains vitamins and fatty acids that assist in empowering the immune system and improving metabolism. 

Nutritional deficiencies can be effectively treated by eating a balanced diet and using external nutritional sources under the supervision of dieticians or doctors.

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