As parents, we want to ensure our children have the best start in life, including good oral health. Knowing when to start taking them to the dentist is a crucial aspect of this. According to Dr. Ravneet Kaur, the best dentist for children in Gurgaon, parents must understand that early dental care is vital for their child's oral health and well-being. So, let’s delve into the question: when should a child start seeing a dentist? 

When Is It Time for a Child's First Dental Appointment? 

A child must start visiting a dentist within six months after their first teeth emerge. However, if the tooth does not appear, children must see a dentist by age 1. Early dental visits offer several benefits and can help children avoid lifelong troubles. Early dental visits are essential as they play a significant role in safeguarding a child’s oral health. The dentist can detect dental issues such as cavities or improper tooth development at an early stage. Moreover, early exposure to friendly dental environments makes children feel comfortable with dental appointments. It also reduces the fear associated with dental care. 

Parents often postpone dental visits until their child is weaned or until the child has all their baby teeth. However, this decision poses several health risks, and some dental issues can develop early. A skilled orthodontist can spot dental problems in their early stages and provide helpful guidance to parents. The dental experts can guide parents on what to expect during teething, weaning etc. Therefore, it is essential to consult a dentist at an early stage so that they can detect any potential issues and provide treatment accordingly. 

Schedule a Consultation With the Best Orthodontist in Gurgaon 

If one is looking for a leading orthodontist in Gurgaon for their child’s first dental visit, one can consider consulting Dr. Ravneet Kaur at Smiles By Dr. Ravneet dental clinic. With over 15+ years of experience, the expert orthodontist offers several pediatric dentistry procedures at the clinic. These include pit and fissures, baby tooth extraction, pulpectomy, dental fillings, and more. 

Moreover, she helps prevent cavities in children, offers dental care, including fluoride treatments and cleaning, and treats all dental concerns. 

To consult Dr. Ravneet Kaur, visit Smiles By Dr. Ravneet dental clinic now!

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