Are you considering Miradry treatment to combat excessive underarm sweating? Wondering about the pricing and options available in Dubai? Look no further. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of Miradry treatment pricing in Dubai, providing you with valuable insights to make an informed decision.

What is Miradry Treatment?

Before we discuss pricing, let's understand what Miradry treatment entails. Miradry is a non-invasive procedure designed to eliminate underarm sweat and odor glands. It utilizes electromagnetic energy to target and destroy sweat glands, providing long-lasting results without surgery.

How Does Miradry Work?

During the Miradry procedure, electromagnetic energy is directed towards the underarm area, where sweat glands reside. This energy heats and eliminates the sweat glands, reducing the amount of perspiration produced. Additionally, Miradry also targets odor glands, effectively addressing both sweat and odor concerns.

Benefits of Miradry Treatment

Miradry treatment offers numerous benefits beyond sweat reduction. Here are some of the advantages:

  • Permanent Results: Miradry provides long-lasting results, with many patients experiencing significant reduction after just one session.
  • Non-Invasive: Unlike surgical options, Miradry is a non-invasive procedure, meaning no incisions or downtime required.
  • Improved Confidence: By eliminating underarm sweat and odor, Miradry can boost confidence and enhance quality of life.
  • Safe and FDA-Approved: Miradry is a safe and FDA-approved treatment for hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).

Miradry Treatment Pricing in Dubai

Now, let's delve into the pricing aspect of Miradry treatment in Dubai. It's essential to note that the cost of Miradry treatment can vary based on several factors, including the clinic, the expertise of the provider, and the number of sessions required.

Factors Influencing Pricing

  • Clinic Reputation: Established clinics with a proven track record may charge higher fees for Miradry treatment.
  • Provider Expertise: Experienced practitioners may command higher prices due to their expertise and skill.
  • Treatment Plan: The number of sessions required can impact the overall cost of Miradry treatment. While some individuals achieve desired results after a single session, others may need multiple treatments for optimal outcomes.

Average Cost of Miradry Treatment in Dubai

On average, Miradry treatment in Dubai can range from AED 3000 to AED 6000 per session. However, it's essential to consult with a reputable clinic for an accurate quote tailored to your specific needs.

Financing Options

While Miradry treatment may represent a significant investment, many clinics offer financing options to make it more accessible. These options may include installment plans or financing through third-party providers.


Miradry treatment offers an effective solution for individuals struggling with excessive underarm sweating. While the pricing may vary, the benefits of this non-invasive procedure are undeniable. If you're considering Miradry treatment in Dubai, consult with a qualified practitioner to discuss your options and determine the best course of action for your needs. Say goodbye to underarm sweat and odor with Miradry – the ultimate solution for confidence and comfort.

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