Delving into the world of gold farming for hunters in the Season of Discovery, especially focusing on the aftermath of recent nerfs. This guide aims to provide clear advice for increasing your wow sod gold making potential, whether you play at an advanced level or are a beginner.
Understanding The Impact Of Nerfs On Hunters
Hunter game play in WoW has been thoroughly tampered with through recent updates. Among others, pets, skills and buffs like Boon of Black Fathom have all been nerfed. As a result, this has rendered old farm methods less effective. Nevertheless, there still are many ways that one can farm gold efficiently as a hunter.
Adapting To The Changes
Firstly, reconsider your pet selection. Although pets suffered some nerfs regarding their buff effectiveness; choosing the right kind of pet for specific tasks is vital. Moreover, concentrate on those pets that balance both damage output and survivability.
Optimizing Gold Farming Spots
This will involve targeting mobs with high value and spots designed for single target damage dealing. Take razorflank Kraul dungeon as an example where hunters are excellent at killing elite mobs. The efficiency in pet tanking might have gone down but your skills and strategies can make up for it.
Auction House Flipping
Never under estimate the power of an auction house. Flipping items is one way to make gold on World of Warcraft fast. Therefore, you have to know what is going on the market and buy things that will increase in worth soonest possible. It requires less fighting but greater knowledge about how WoW economy works.
Leveraging Rested XP And Efficient Leveling
For new hunter characters leveling up, take advantage of rested XP. Let your character sleep at an inn after creating it so that its accumulated rested XP gets saved. Thus making it easier and faster to reach optimal level for gold farming.
Preparing For Future Phases
Prepare for future content phases. Hoard gold to buy mounts and gears half price used in later upgrades. This will ensure that you are always ready to handle new challenges and farming opportunities.
Even as nerfs may present complications to players, they also open up new ideas in farm strategies. Hence, adjust your tactics, try different techniques and remember – flexibility and determination are the keys to success in Warcraft. So just think about it, or be good at what you choose and see your gold reserves skyrocket!
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