Hair Transplant at 25 

Hair loss is a common condition for both men and women. Hair loss affects an estimated 50% of women and 60% of men of all ages around the world. Before the age of 35, approximately two-thirds of males lose their hair. By the age of 50, nearly 85 percent of males have thinning and/or lost hair. Although baldness can affect people of all ages, losing hair in your twenties can be particularly worrying. 

Male or female pattern baldness, primarily due to hormonal changes, genetics, and a family history of baldness, accounts for the majority of hair loss cases. Baldness at a young age can have a detrimental affect on a person's look and self-esteem, leading many people to explore a hair transplant as a therapy option. 

When is the best age for a hair transplant? 

Hair transplant Dubai experts believe that young men in their early twenties may not be ideal candidates for hair restoration surgery. This is due to the possibility of not fully determining the cause or pattern of hair loss. Before selecting the best hair restoration treatment for you, the surgeon takes into account numerous aspects, including the kind of hair loss, the pattern of hair loss, the quality of the donor's hair, and the size of the bald spot. 

During the hair restoration surgery, the surgeon harvests individual or groups of hair follicles from the donor site (FUE). The surgeon separates these follicles into clusters and implants them in the balding area. The scalp incisions will heal over time, and the follicles will begin to stimulate the creation of new hair. The degree of hair loss and the patient's facial traits determine the grafting method to ensure a natural appearance. Nothing fully determines the pattern and degree of hair loss in younger patients. As a result, the ideal age for a hair transplant is 25 or older. 

Is it a good idea to put off getting a hair transplant? 

When young patients start losing hair, they may feel pressured to treat the condition as quickly as possible. In such circumstances, an early hair transplant may seem like a plausible choice for restoring their beloved locks. Is this always a good idea? Young patients must recognise that, while transplanted hair remains steady, hair loss continues. Many patients prefer hairline-lowering surgery, general hair restoration, and other procedures to improve their appearance. You can schedule a hair transplant consultation on our website today. 

They will gradually lose hair, but a permanent strip of transplanted hair will remain. This may give them an odd appearance, and they may choose to redo the transplant, which will incur additional costs. If the hair loss trend persists, the donor hair will be unable to maintain its natural growth pattern. As a result, having a hair transplant in your early twenties may not be the ideal option. 

Younger adults who are concerned about hair loss can undergo a preliminary transplant to boost the density of their hairlines. They may, however, need greater care as they mature. We recommend hair transplants for patients with hair on the back and sides of their heads. We can transplant the front and crown hairs to replicate the follicle pattern of the natural hair.

If you are concerned about your hair loss while you are still young, you can use over-the-counter hair loss medications like Minoxidil and Finasteride. These promote new hair development by boosting blood flow to the scalp. You can get a preliminary transplant to thicken your hairline, but you will still require more treatments as you age. Consult with our skilled surgeon at Alborj Hair Clinic today to determine the best hair restoration therapy for you. We are happy to provide you with the greatest solutions available. 

Book a free hair transplant Dubai appointment with our skilled medical team to learn more about the process. 

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