In the realm of skincare, myths and misconceptions often abound, leaving individuals puzzled about what truly benefits their skin. One common topic of confusion is milia. This milia dermatologist article aims to debunk prevalent myths surrounding milia and provide expert insights from dermatologists to clarify the truth. 

What are Milia?

Milia are small, white bumps that typically appear on the face, particularly around the eyes, nose, and cheeks. They form when keratin becomes trapped beneath the surface of the skin, leading to tiny cysts. Unlike acne, milia are not caused by bacteria or oil buildup.

Myth 1: Milia are a Form of Acne


Contrary to popular belief, milia are not a type of acne. While they may appear similar to whiteheads, they have distinct characteristics and causes. Acne involves inflammation of the hair follicles due to excess oil and bacteria, whereas milia are the result of keratin buildup.

Myth 2: Milia Can be Squeezed or Popped


Attempting to extract milia at home can cause damage to the skin and may lead to scarring or infection. Unlike blackheads or whiteheads, milia are not openings in the skin and therefore cannot be squeezed out. Dermatologists employ specialized techniques to safely remove milia without causing harm.

Myth 3: Skincare Products Can Cure Milia Overnight


While skincare products play a crucial role in maintaining skin health, they cannot magically eradicate milia overnight. Some products may help prevent milia formation by promoting exfoliation or regulating skin cell turnover, but patience is key. Consistent use of gentle exfoliants and moisturizers can gradually improve the appearance of milia.

Myth 4: Milia Only Affect Adults


Milia can occur at any age, from infancy to adulthood. In newborns, milia often appear on the nose and cheeks and typically disappear within a few weeks without treatment. In adults, milia may develop due to factors such as excessive sun exposure, use of heavy skincare products, or skin trauma.

Myth 5: Milia Will Disappear on Their Own


While some cases of milia may resolve spontaneously, many persist without intervention. Ignoring milia and hoping they will vanish on their own can lead to frustration and prolonged discomfort. Seeking professional advice from a dermatologist is the most effective way to address persistent milia.


Dispelling myths about milia is essential for promoting skin health and preventing unnecessary frustration. By understanding the true nature of milia and seeking expert guidance, individuals can make informed decisions about their skincare routine. Remember, when it comes to milia, patience and professional care are paramount.

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