How to use gold to improve your gameplay in League of Legends

Here are some tips on how to effectively use gold to improve your gameplay in League of Legends:
Focus on Last-Hitting Minions
The most effective way to earn more gold is by last-hitting minions. Good last-hitters can get 100-200 CS in 20 minutes, which is a lot of gold. Combining that with the gold you gain periodically and whether you're slaying a siege minion, you can probably afford an Infinity Edge 20 minutes into the game and then some.
Prioritize Gold Per 5 (GP5) Items
Depending on your lane, consider getting a gold per five (GP5) item or even two. This will passively generate extra gold over time.
Manage Your Waves and Jungle Camps
Push your minion wave to the enemy tower before roaming or backing. This will give you an opening in which the enemy may think you've just returned to base or are tower hugging.
As a mid laner, you can also grab golld by clearing the jungle camps near you, but only if your jungler is not around. Top and bottom laners can farm double golems and wolves as well.
Counter-Jungle the Enemy
If you have a pushed wave and know where the enemy jungler is, consider counter-jungling their camps like wraiths. This will deny them gold and experience.
Participate in Objectives and Kills
While farming is important, don't neglect helping your team with objectives and kills. A single champion kill is worth about three full minion waves.
Use Your Gold Efficiently
Once you've earned the gold, spend it wisely. Unlock new champions with Blue Essence, buy skins or event passes with RP if you want them, and focus on core items for your champion.
By focusing on last-hitting, managing waves, counter-jungling, and participating in objectives, you can maximize your gold income in League of Legends. Combine that with smart spending on champions, skins, and items, and you'll be well on your way to improving your gameplay.
To prioritize which items to buy with gold in League of Legends, especially as a support, consider the following strategies based on the provided sources:
1. Understand Core and Situational Items:
   - Core items are essential for your champion and synergize well with their kit. These are typically items that are almost always bought and are crucial for your champion's performance.
   - Situational items, on the other hand, are reactive purchases based on the enemy team composition. For example, if the enemy team has a lot of ability power (AP) damage, you should prioritize buying magic resist items.
2.Starting Items for Supports:
   - In Season 14, all supports start with the same support item, which can be upgraded into one of four different items after earning a certain amount of gold from it.
   - Each upgraded item provides unique buffs to your champion, such as additional damage, crowd control (CC) enhancement, damage reduction, or utility benefits. Choose the item that best suits your champion's playstyle and needs.
3. Consider Your Champion's Playstyle:
   - Different support champions have varying playstyles, such as utility, tank, or mage supports. Tailor your item purchases to complement your champion's strengths and role in the game.
   - For example, if you are playing a mage support like Zyra, you may benefit more from a damaging support item that enhances your poke abilities, while a tank support like Leona might prioritize items that reduce incoming damage to facilitate engaging in trades and skirmishes.
4. Adapt to the Game Situation:
   - Be flexible in your itemization based on the evolving game situation. If you notice specific threats or opportunities during the match, adjust your item build accordingly to maximize your impact on the game.
   - Prioritize items that address the most pressing needs of your team or counter the strengths of the enemy team to enhance your effectiveness on the battlefield.
By understanding the core and situational items, considering your champion's playstyle, adapting to the game situation, and prioritizing items that align with your team's strategy, you can make informed decisions on how to spend your gold effectively in League of Legends.
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