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Difference Between E-Signature and Digital Signature
Explore the key differences between e-signatures and digital signatures. Learn how each ensures document authenticity and security. Visit Prodigisign for more details.
For more info: https://prodigisign.com/Difference Between E-Signature and Digital Signature Explore the key differences between e-signatures and digital signatures. Learn how each ensures document authenticity and security. Visit Prodigisign for more details. For more info: https://prodigisign.com/PRODIGISIGN.COMHome - ProDigiSignWelcome to ProDigiSign Certifying Authority Professional DigiSign Pvt Ltd as a brand name ProDigiSign. Company incorporated on 15th May 2021, Corporate office in Pune, Maharashtra. ProDigiSign cofounder have more than 15 Years experience in same DSC market and exclusive importer of mToken. Our System ready to operate as a certifying authority to issue Digital Signatures. Valid signature certificate Digital Signature is an electronic security mark that can be added to files. It allows uploading returns and forms. It allows you to verify the publisher of a file and helps verify that the file has not changed since it was digitally signed. Our Services are 100% Secure We are providing signing certificate and encrypted PAN based digital signature use for e-filing of ITR returns,ROC,MCA21,sale tax, tds certificates, etendering, trademark, e-procurement and legally valid Digital Certificate issued by a Licensed Registration Authority (LRA) or FC such as us. Providing all types of Digital Signatures We are providing all type of Digital Signatures(DSC) such as Class2, Class3, DGFT, Digital Signature use for MCA21, ROC, Incometax Returns, TDS Certificates, Sale Tax, DGS&D, IRCTC, e-Tendering, Trade mark, e-Procurement for various departments & organisations. Welcome to ProDigiSign Certifying Authority Professional DigiSign Pvt Ltd as a brand name ProDigiSign. Company incorporated on 15th May 2021, Corporate office in Pune, Maharashtra. ProDigiSign cofounder have more than 15 Years experience in same DSC market and exclusive importer of mToken. Our System ready to operate as a certifying authority to issue Digital Signatures. Valid signature certificate Digital Signature is an electronic security mark that can be added to files. It allows uploading returns and forms. It allows you to verify the publisher of a file and helps verify that the file has not changed since it was digitally signed. Our Services are 100% Secure We are providing signing certificate and encrypted PAN based digital signature use for e-filing of ITR returns,ROC,MCA21,sale tax, tds certificates, etendering, trademark, e-procurement and legally valid Digital Certificate issued by a Licensed Registration Authority (LRA) or FC such as us. Providing all types of Digital Signatures We are providing all type of Digital Signatures(DSC) such as Class2, Class3, DGFT, Digital Signature use for MCA21, ROC, Incometax Returns, TDS Certificates, Sale Tax, DGS&D, IRCTC, e-Tendering, Trade mark, e-Procurement for various departments & organisations. About Our ServicesClass2, Class3, DGFT, Document signer We are providing all type of Digital Signatures (DSC) such as Class2, Class3, DGFT, Document signer. Digital signature use for MCA21, ROC, efiling of Incometax returns, TDS Certificates, GST, DGS&D, IRCTC, e-Tendering, trade mark , e-Procurement other departments & organisations etc. We are also providing eSign Service ,PKI component to all over India. Promoted by Er. Devendra Ranvir Singh, B.E. (Comp.). PKIPublic Key Infrastructure A public key infrastructure (PKI) supports the distribution, verification and revocation of public keys used for public key encryption, and enables linking of identities with public key certificates. A PKI enables users and systems to securely exchange data over the internet and verify the legitimacy of certificate-holding entities, such as webservers, other authenticated servers and individuals. The PKI enables users to authenticate digital certificate holders, as well as to mediate the process of certificate revocation, using cryptographic algorithms to secure the process. DSCDigital Signature Certificate A Digital Signature (DSC) is an electronic security mark. This certificate ensures that you will not be sending sensitive data to a hacker or imposter site. The browser also makes sure the domain name matches the name on the CA and that the CA has been generated by a trusted authority like us. PKI based digital signature (DSC) is cost effective with low price compared to other digital signature in the world. Digital signature reduce paper consumption as well as costs of transmission and storage. Our Services To create a better experience in the digital signature and DSC Token world DGFT DGFT can be used for Importers & Exporters. Digital Certificates for the importer and exporter community can be used to securely log on to the DGFT Online License Filing Application. Foreign DSC Dsc for foreign nationals helps to approve the identity and permit Foreign nationals to conduct any online exchanges securely. Class 3 Digital Signature helps the foreign national residing in the country. Digital Signature A Digital Signature (DSC) is an electronic security mark. This certificate ensures that you will not be sending sensitive data to a hacker or imposter site Tokens Tokens should be FIPS certified 140-2 ,PKI based cryptographic, this is hardware device use for store Digital signature , e.g mToken Cryptoid (mToken) eSign eSign is an electronic signing service which is used for signing documents digitally from anywhere at any time. Document Signer Document Signer Certificates allow you to get certificates issued in your organization’s name and use for sign Invoices, reports ,organization valuable documents etc Class3 Individual/Org Signing& Encryption Used for MCA21, ROC, Income Tax,GST filing , DGS & D, Northen Railway, IRCTC, e-Tendering, Trade Mark,e-procurement and other departments & organisations PKI Services PKI services to organizations who are seeking easy to use and legally valid PKI solution for their existing applications. Class 3 Individual/Org Signing Used for MCA21, ROC, Income Tax,GST filing , DGS & D, Northen Railway, IRCTC, e-Tendering, Trade Mark,e-procurement and other departments & organisations Frequently Asked Questions What is A Digital Signature? A digital signature is an electronic form of a signature that can be used to authenticate the identity of the sender of a message or the signer of a document, and also ensure that the original content of the message or document that has been sent is unchanged. Digital signatures are easily transportable and cannot be imitated by someone else. The ability to ensure that the original signed message arrived means that the sender cannot easily disclaim it later. Digital Signature Certificate – Signing & Encryption Q. Should individual’s signature and encryption certificate be different? Yes, The signature and encryption certificate should be separate for an individual. The encryption keys are to be generated at the subscriber’s system and should be archived prior to transfer into crypto-medium.0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 33 مشاهدة 0 معاينةالرجاء تسجيل الدخول , للأعجاب والمشاركة والتعليق على هذا!
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