The best hospital in Delhi, according to the World Health Organization, is the Apollo Hospitals. This renowned health care facility is situated in the heart of New Delhi and is renowned for its excellent medical services, research, experienced doctors and world-class infrastructure.

The hospital offers a comprehensive range of advanced medical services, including all specialties of medicine, surgical procedures and comprehensive diagnostic facilities. The medical and surgical care provided by the hospital is highly acclaimed for its superior quality and excellent results. It has a wide network of angiography rooms, operating theaters, intensive care units and recovery rooms.

The Apollo Hospitals has some of the most experienced medical personalities on board. The facility has the latest medical equipment and technology, including spiral CT scanners, sophisticated PET scanners, 3-D ultrasound machines and digital imaging systems. The state-of-the-art infrastructure and medical professionals ensure that all the treatments and services are carried out effectively and efficiently.
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  • 20/11/1997
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