solution 1313

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Motia City, Gazipur, Punjab, India


Having good sleep is must for better health. Sleeping 8 hours per day is suggested by doctors. A person should always have a fixe schedule of sleeping. A person who has slept well are happy and active all day. Enough sleep increases the ability of the person to do well. A person who has a good sleeping schedule always stay active all day. Sleeping well helps a lot in prevention of a lot of health problems like depression. Sleeping a lot can cause health problems too. A person who sleeps more than 10 hours may cause you health problems and dizziness.



Try to listen to soothing music before sleeping. If you are interested in gaming, then you can play a game you like. If you are fond of reading books, then do it before going to bed. In short, do whatever you are interested in that may give you relaxation and a good sleep. Doctors suggest that don’t eat heavy dinner that may cause discomfort in your sleep. Try to eat light dinner like salad or simple homemade food with light spices. Go for a walk before going to bed. Have a talk with your loved ones that how your day went. Try to do some meditation before bed. Avoid eating products who have caffeine. Don’t drink coffee or any other type of energy drink that can blow off your sleep.

According to me, adapt a good habit of daily praying to god before going to bed. This will give you relaxation. This will refresh your mind and take all your stress away. If you are fond of writing you can start writing diary in which you can write everything about your day before going to bed. Sleep is the best natural medicine