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A quick look at a certain type of game and you know it will be a big hit on the web. Happy Wheels is proof of this. Because it has simple images, bright colors, and over-the-top body physics, this game was not meant to be taken seriously. You play as different riders in this 2D vehicle-based platformer game, which has many levels with tricky jumps and dangerous obstacles that can kill you. You want to keep playing just to try out the new cars and see how it feels to control their speed, weight, and shape on all the different sorts of uneven ground.
About the game Happy Wheels
A few years ago, Happy Wheels took the game world by storm, and all the big names in the business took the time to play it and help make it better. It isn't as well known as it used to be, but the weirdness and problems are still there. If you're really into the game, it might be hard to get through all the levels without making any mistakes temple run. It takes a while to learn how to use each car, and you can't be sure what kind of shape the level will have. At the end of the day, though, it's just a silly game where you have to lead people through dangerous obstacle courses.

Happy Wheels is a platform game that you can play with just your computer.
How to Control
You can move and tilt left by pressing the left arrow key and right arrow key. You can also press the space bar to jump and eject.