When it comes to networking, business cards are one of the most important tools a company can have. They help establish a local presence, introduce clients to the brand and offer contact information. However, a bad design or low quality printing can have detrimental effects. This is why it is important to invest in high quality printed business cards.

Whether you are a start up or an established business, it’s essential to have business cards on hand when meeting potential clients or partners. Often, business cards are the first point of contact between businesses, and they can make or break a positive impression. A professional business card design and print service can ensure your cards are of the highest quality, creating a lasting first impression.

There are many different options available for customising your business cards, ranging from different colours to unique finishing techniques. Many of these add to the overall look and feel of your business cards, making them stand out from the competition. Adding an extra shine to your business cards through spot UV, foiling in a metallic colour or even rounding off the corners of your cards can all provide a point of difference and draw attention to specific elements of the design.

Business cards are a tangible marketing tool, so it’s important to make sure they have a clean and crisp appearance. Too much clutter and text can distract from the important details, such as logo and name. It is also important to keep the text size large enough for people with poor eyesight to read.

It is also a good idea to include a link to your website on your business card. This will save potential customers the time and hassle of searching for your website address online. This way, they can easily get in touch with you when they are ready to use your services.

While a simple business card design is usually sufficient, some businesses may need to promote more than just their logo and contact details on their cards. This could include a tag line, social media links or a special offer. If this is the case, it is best to work with a professional graphic designer who can create a custom business card design that will meet your requirements and objectives.

Whether you require a simple business card or a more extensive bespoke design, the team at Impact Visual Solutions are happy to assist. We can produce incredible materials to promote and enhance your organisation and brand, with a full range of large format digital and offset printing capabilities. We also specialise in a wide variety of POS and signage products, from billboards and outdoor signs to banners and pylons, table top displays and lightboxes. To learn more, contact us today!

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