"Eggy Party" is a casual competitive mobile game launched by NetEase. It has attracted many players with its cute style, rich level design, and relaxed and pleasant game atmosphere. The game uses Egg Boy as the main character. Players need to control these cute Egg Boys to race, break through levels, and fight in various levels. If you are interested, you can join us, and mmowow items below will help you.

The following are some strategies and cheats for the Egg Boy Party:

- Quick points tips:
- Understand the map: Go to the map mode and select the map that appears in the ranking such as racing to practice, and practice operation skills such as jumping.
- Team up: Invite players with strong operation to team up, or find suitable teammates in the lobby interface, preferably players with tacit cooperation, to improve the efficiency of points.
- Use of props: Pick up bombs, acceleration, and other props in the map in time to affect the forward speed of the enemy behind and increase the probability of winning.
- Practical skills: At the beginning of the game, let your teammates lift you and throw you forward when the door opens to surpass other players; go to the acceleration point of the track in the game, run forward quickly for a distance, and after reaching the end, teammates can use the teleportation skill.
- Find the target: Avoid crowding with other players on a track, you can choose the edge position to reduce collisions; try not to change the track when rushing forward, so as not to be knocked off the platform by other players.

- Manor upgrade and decoration method:
- Manor upgrade: Enter the game lobby, click on the manor in the upper left corner, then click on my manor in the lower right corner, then click on the management button in the upper right corner, and click on the upgrade button at the bottom of the pop-up page. Each upgrade will consume a certain amount of shells, it is recommended to collect enough shells in advance.
- Manor decoration: Go to the game mall to buy floors and furniture. Note that it costs a certain amount of gold coins when purchasing, which can be obtained by completing manor tasks. When obtaining furniture, you can choose according to a unified style to facilitate later dressing. Corresponding props will be launched in each season, and players can use them after purchase.

- The latest rank table:
- Rank introduction: including first-level quail eggs, second-level pigeon eggs, third-level chicken eggs, fourth-level goose eggs, fifth-level ostrich eggs, sixth-level dinosaur eggs, and peak phoenix eggs. From first-level quail eggs to second-level pigeon eggs, each rank contains 4 small ranks; from third-level pigeon eggs to sixth-level dinosaur eggs, each rank contains 5 small ranks; there is only one rank in the peak phoenix egg, which includes all players in that rank.

- Upgrade method: participate in team ranking and team up with stronger players, but the rank difference cannot be too large, otherwise it will be difficult to win.

- Latest redemption code summary:
- Latest redemption code: eggy2310am, eggy2311gz, eggyeggy9wz, eggyeggy9we.
- Welfare redemption code: cdxymk8f67, pec74dkcty, jsrqkrrjmh.
- Event redemption code: cd3wt7wrph, cdkqdfm4fh, peetnmp4ef.

- Usage: Enter the game lobby, click the event above, click the gift package redemption option on the left on the event center page, and directly copy and paste the redemption code in the pop-up window to get the corresponding reward.

- Intimate relationship termination method: Enter the lobby, click the friend icon below, find the intimate option on the right in the pop-up window, display the close friends who have established a relationship, click the three dots below the friend box, and the option to terminate the relationship will appear. Finally, click the confirmation on the right side of the pop-up window to terminate the relationship.

- Blind box drawing skills:
- Novice disguise method: first put on and take off the original clothes three times, and then draw the blind box after becoming a bare egg, giving the system the illusion of a novice egg.
- Buddha prayer method: worship at every place, use a bottle cap to cushion before drawing the blind box, do not skip the animation, and choose according to personal preference.
- Preview click method: Click on the prize preview when changing season blind boxes, keep clicking on the ones you want, and then directly draw ten times in a row, don't skip the animation, you may win.
- Strip and replace method: After removing the costume, draw the bottle cap blind box, either single or ten times, then go to the store to try on the skin you want, and then draw the season blind box.
- Mixed extraction method: First draw twice, do not skip the animation, and finally draw ten times in a row, there is a certain probability of getting what you want.

- Free skin acquisition method:
- Official activities: Participate in official activities and complete tasks to get free skins. Some activities are less difficult.
- Draw blind boxes: You can get bottle caps by completing tasks at ordinary times. When you reach a certain number, you can use it for the lottery. You have a chance to get free skins, but it depends on luck.
- Redemption code: The official will issue redemption code rewards from time to time. Players can go to the settings interface to enter the redemption code and receive free skins.
- Manual: When the player's party manual reaches a certain level, you can also receive the corresponding free skin.
- Fiber purchase: You can get fiber by completing tasks or participating in sign-in, and then going to the mall to directly purchase free skins.

There is more fun content and gameplay in Eggy Party. If you need eggy party package for sale, you can learn more.
Package content and function
1. There are gold coins: used to purchase various props and upgrade eggy characters.
2. The diamonds inside are the advanced currency in the game, which can be used to purchase rare props, and character skins and participate in some special activities. The diamonds provided in the gift package allow you to enjoy more advanced content in the game and enhance the fun of the game.
3. Physical strength is a necessity for level challenges. You can get extra physical strength through gift packages, which allow you to challenge yourself more times in a short period.
4. Gift packages usually contain various practical props, such as acceleration props, shields, resurrection props, etc. Increase the chance of winning.
5. There are character fragments in the gift package. By collecting enough character fragments, you can unlock new eggy characters.
6. Dress up to help you personalize your eggy character and make your character more unique and cute in the game.

The above are the strategies and tips for Egg Party. I hope they are helpful to you!

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