Clash of Clans is a strategy mobile game. Players protect their villages by building and upgrading buildings, training troops, and attacking other players to obtain resources. The game combines multiple elements such as construction, strategy, and battle. Players need to reasonably lay, defend, and attack to challenge opponents from all over the world.
There are many types of soldiers in Clash of Clans, and different types of soldiers have different characteristics. Therefore, when allocating soldiers, they need to be selected and matched according to the specific situation. The angel miner flow is a common school in Clash of Clans. If you want to know more, you can choose mmowow. The following is a detailed introduction to his tactics:
- Type characteristics:
- Angel: Attack preference is any, recovery type is regional splash and can provide treatment for multiple friendly forces at the same time.
- Queen: Attack preference is any, attack type is single target, and can cause damage to ground and air targets.
- Digger: Attack preference is any, attack type is single target, can travel underground, avoid enemy defense facilities, and directly attack enemy resources and defense facilities.
- Troop Matching Plan:
- The proportion of troops in the Tiannv Miner Flow can be adjusted according to personal preferences and the opponent's defense situation.
The following are some common matching proportions:
- Tenth Book: 4/5 Angels + 20~24 Miners + 4~6 Bombs + 1 Dragon Treasure + Mage, Balloon, Archer, Spells 2 Fury 3 Treatment, Ice + Poison, Reinforcements usually need 4 War Gods/Ice/Cars (or Airships), 1 Snow Monster 2 War Gods/Ice/Cars (or Airships);
- Eleventh Book: 5 Angels + 25 Miners + 2 Dragon Treasures + 5 Bombers + 2 Balloons, Spells 3 Treatments 2 Fury 1 Poison, Reinforcements are configured with Airships, Snow Monsters, 2 War Gods, Barbarians, Fury;
- Twelve Books: 5 Angels + 28 Miners + 2 Dragon Treasures + 6 Bombers + 2 Balloons, Spells 3 Treatments 2 Fury 1 Poison, Reinforcements are configured with Airships, 2 Snow Monsters, 4 Barbarians, Fury;
- Thirteenth book: 5 angels + 26 miners + 2 dragon treasures + 7 bombers + thunder dragons + 2 balloons, spells 2 treatments 2 rages 2 freezes 1 poison, reinforcements are equipped with airships, 2 snow monsters, martial gods, barbarians, and rages.
- Spells: Generally carry rage spells, healing spells, etc. to enhance the attack power and survivability of the troops.
- Applicable formations:
- - The enemy's defense is relatively concentrated: If the enemy's defense facilities are relatively concentrated, miners can travel underground, avoid the enemy's defense facilities, and directly attack the enemy's resources and defense facilities.
- The enemy's air defense force is weak: miners are ground troops and will not be attacked by air defense facilities. If the enemy's air defense force is weak, miners can more easily approach the enemy's defense facilities.
- Open map: miners need a certain amount of space to carry out actions. If the map is relatively open, miners can play a better role.
- Concentrated enemy resources: If the enemy's resources are relatively concentrated, miners can more easily obtain resources.
- Need to attack quickly: Miners move quickly and can quickly approach the enemy's defense facilities and attack.
- Offensive ideas:
- Foreplay of the goddess: Send out the angel and the queen first, use the queen's high attack power and skills to clear the enemy's defense facilities, and attract the enemy's defensive firepower to create offensive opportunities for the miners.
- Miner attack: While the queen attracts the enemy's defensive firepower, send out miners to attack from the weak defense of the enemy, avoid the enemy's defense facilities, and directly attack the enemy's resources and defense facilities.
- Spell support: According to the miner's offensive situation, use violent spells and healing spells in time to enhance the miner's attack power and survivability.
- Finishing work: After the miner destroys the enemy's main defense facilities and resources, other arms can be sent to finish and clear the remaining enemy buildings.
When using the goddess miner flow, you need to pay attention to the following points:
- Protect the angel and the queen: The angel and the queen are the core of the goddess miner flow, and they need to be protected to prevent them from being attacked by the enemy.
- Clear enemy reinforcements: Before attacking the enemy base, you need to clear the enemy reinforcements first to prevent the miners from being disturbed.
- Choose the right time: You need to choose the right time to deploy miners to prevent miners from being attacked by enemy defense facilities.
- Cooperate with other arms: You can cooperate with other arms, such as barbarians, archers, etc., to attract the firepower of enemy defense facilities and create better attack opportunities for miners.
The Angel Miner Flow is a relatively powerful school, but it also needs to be used flexibly according to actual conditions. When deploying troops and attacking, you need to fully consider the enemy's formation and defense facilities, and reasonably choose arms and spells to achieve the best attack effect. At the same time, you also need to pay attention to the miner's position and the timing of spell release to avoid unnecessary damage to the miner.
The Angel Miner Flow is a common tactic in Clash of Clans. Its advantages mainly include the following points:
- Powerful attack ability: Miners can travel underground, avoid enemy defense facilities, and directly attack enemy resources and defense facilities. Angels can provide treatment for miners and increase their survivability.
- High mobility: Miners move fast and can quickly approach enemy defenses and attack.
- Ignore the walls: Miners can ignore the walls and directly enter the enemy's base to attack enemy resources and defenses.
- Wide range of applications: The Tiannv Miner flow applies to a variety of formations and defenses, and can be adjusted according to the enemy's defenses.
- Short training time: The training time of miners is relatively short, and a large number of miners can be quickly trained for attack.
However, the Tiannv Miner flow also has some disadvantages, such as miners are vulnerable to enemy traps and defenses, and you need to pay attention to protecting the safety of miners. When using the Tiannv Miner flow, you need to make reasonable combinations and operations according to the enemy's defenses and your own strength to achieve the best attack effect. If necessary, you can choose to buy clash of clans gems.
In Clash of Clans, gems are an important currency with multiple uses that can greatly enhance the game experience and progress.
The following are the main uses of gems:
Speed ​​up construction and upgrades: Gems can be used to immediately complete the construction or upgrade of buildings, saving players time to wait.
Speed ​​up troop training: Players can use gems to speed up troops in the training camp so that the army can be ready faster.
Purchase resources: Gems can be used to directly purchase gold coins, holy water, and dark heavy oil to help players quickly increase resource reserves.
Speed ​​up hero recovery: Heroes need time to recover after being injured in battle. Players can use gems to speed up the recovery process so that heroes can return to battle faster.
Purchase decorations and value-added items: Gems can be used to purchase village decorations and other value-added items to increase the personalization and beauty of the village.
Open construction workers: Gems can be used to purchase additional construction workers, allowing players to perform more construction and upgrade operations at the same time and improve construction efficiency.
Participate in special events: Some game activities may require the use of gems to participate, and players can obtain additional rewards through these activities.
The above is the tactical strategy of the Tiannv Miner flow. I hope it can be helpful to you.
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