There was a time when people had no other options to communicate with each other than to write letters. It would take days for the letter to deliver via post and it would take even more days to get a response back. Now, all you need to do is whip out your phone and send a text and it sends right at that moment. 

How was all of that made possible? Through the introduction of the internet ofcourse! However, to communicate you need to ensure that your internet service is a reliable one so that you don’t lose connectivity. In that case, you should definitely look into Xfinity Internet Offers to see what suits your budget the most. 

Today we will be discussing the ways that the internet has revolutionized communication throughout the years. Maybe it would open your eyes a little to the fact that we have indeed come a long way and how easy it is to communicate with each other no matter where we are in the world. So, make sure you read all the way to the end, who knows you might even find this article interesting? So, without any further ado, let’s get into it!

The Introduction of the Email

Back in the years, as we mentioned earlier, the only mode of communicating with each other was via post. You would write letters and send them through post so that you could talk to you loved ones. However, after the advent of the internet, we were introduced to the concept of sending emails back in 1991. The internet was a relatively newer concept back then and it had taken the world by storm. 

You could send emails to absolutely anyone in the world and the nature of your email could be both formal or informal. The best thing about emails was that your email could be sent instantly. Email is something that is used even today, you would see it being used mostly in workspaces and for academic purposes. 

The Use of Voice Over IP

You would probably know that every device that you own comes with a unique IP Address. IP is short for Internet Protocol. After the introduction of the email system, we were introduced to something called VoIP which is Voice Over IP. It allows you to make phone calls anywhere in the world using an active internet connection. This brought about massive changes in communication as it made calling our loved ones relatively easier. 

You would be glad to know that VoIP is something that is used even today and is considered as modern technology. There are Internet Service Providers (ISPs) such as Xfinity and Spectrum that allow you to make calls using VoIP. You are entitled to using this service if you subscribe to their Home Phone service. Once you do, you can make crystal clear calls not only all across America but anywhere in the world!


The Rise of Instant Messaging Apps

As there were steady advances in the internet industry, there were also upgrades in the phone industry as well. What started off as regular mobile phones by companies such as Nokia evolved into smartphones that we have today, such as OnePlus, Samsung and Apple’s iPhone. These smartphones came with the ability to run apps called IM apps or Instant Messaging Apps such as WhatsApp, Viber and a lot more. 

If we were to only talk about WhatsApp, you would probably remember that the app started off as just a messaging app. It then introduced a calling feature which was later evolved into a video calling feature as well. As of now, we could say that there is probably no soul on the planet that doesn’t have WhatsApp on their phone because the app is now more of a need than a want!

The Use of the Internet in Workspaces and Education

We currently live-in times where we feel like we can’t function without the internet. Whether it is at our workplace or while we were students in college and University. The internet slowly made its way into these industries as well since we can’t communicate with our peers and even our professors without using the internet. 

Whether you are working a full-time job or if you are an Environmental Science major at university, you would know that the formal means of communicating with your fellows, your colleagues, your professors and even your boss is to do so via email, which again makes use of the internet to function. This goes to show how much importance the internet holds in our lives and how the world would come to a standstill without it. 

Conclusive Note

Without the internet, today we wouldn’t be able to text our friends to ask if we are meeting later tonight or we can’t email our boss to tell them we are sick and cant make it to the office. While the internet might seem as something that takes up a lot of our time, it is also something that makes our lives a lot easier!

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