A Periodontist Northfield is a dentist who has specialized in diagnosing and treating gum or periodontal diseases. During a dental exam, a periodontist can help you in preventing gum diseases by providing routine dental cleanings.


If you notice a change in your gums or think that you might have a gum disease, you should visit a periodontist.


What Are the Symptoms of a Gum Disease?


Gum disease refers to an ongoing infection in the gums that can cause bone or tooth loss. The disease is slow and sometimes can even be silent. This means that the symptoms may show up when the disease has reached a certain stage. At this stage, immediate medical attention is required as it can quickly progress to an advanced stage if left untreated.


Some common initial signs you need to watch out for are:

  1.     Pain or sores in the mouth.
  2.     Bleeding while brushing or flossing.
  3.     Red, swollen, and tender gums.
  4.     Loose teeth.
  5.     Bad breath.
  6.     Gum recession.
  7.     Change in your bite.
  8.     Pus between teeth and gums.
  9.     Teeth sensitivity.

If you notice any of these symptoms, visit a Periodontist Owatonna MN to avoid it from escalating further.


What are the Stages of a Periodontal Disease?


A gum or periodontal disease ranges from mild to advanced in the following stages:




This is the first stage of a periodontal disease that is caused by a buildup of plaque. If left untreated, it can quickly advance into the next phase. If you visit a Periodontist Northfield at this point, the gum disease can be reversed.


Slight Periodontal Disease:


This is the second stage of a periodontal disease that affects both the bone and fibers supporting tooth roots. During this stage, the infection spreads into the bones and begins to destroy it.


Moderate Periodontal Disease:


This is the third stage which causes deeper periodontal pockets and allows bacteria to attack your bones and bloodstream.


Advanced Periodontal Disease:


This is the final stage when bacteria causes significant deterioration of bone supporting the teeth. If still left untreated, this can lead to gaps between the teeth, cause gum recession, and other serious health issues.


Which Gum Disease Treatments Do Periodontist Northfield Provide?


The gum disease treatments offered by periodontist Northfield depend on the severity of the disease. The common treatments include:


Dental Cleaning:


During a routine dental cleaning, the periodontist will remove excess plaque and tartar from above and below the gumline. In case you have a gum disease, the dentist will recommend more frequent dental cleanings.


Scaling and Root Planing:


Scaling and root planing is a deep cleaning procedure that is done under local anesthesia. During this procedure, plaque and tartar are removed from both above and below the gumline. Moreover, rough spots on the tooth root are smoothened out with planning. This makes it easy to remove the bacteria and provides a clean surface for the gum to reattach to the teeth.


Flap Surgery or Pocket Reduction Surgery:


This surgery may be required in advanced periodontal disease. During the surgery, the gums may be lifted to remove tartar. In addition, irregular surfaces of a damaged bone may also be smoothed to remove hidden bacteria.

After the procedure, the gums are placed to let the tissue fit around the tooth. This reduces the space between gum and tooth which in turn reduces the chances of bacteria from spreading again.


Bone Grafts:


During this procedure, a bone damaged by gum disease is replaced by either a fragment of your bone, donated bone, or synthetic bone. This grafting causes your bone to grow back and keeps your teeth stable.


To Sum It Up


Gum diseases are difficult to manage and should be addressed quickly. If you suspect any change in your gums or notice bleeding, visit a Periodontist Northfield at the earliest. You can visit us at Periodontist Specialists or schedule an appointment with us here.

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