
Missing teeth disturb esthetics as well as functionality of oral structures. PFM dental bridges are esthetic as well as functional replacement options for missing teeth. PFM bridges are fixed on the supporting teeth and cannot be removed at will.

Types of PFM Bridges

PFM bridges are a mix of strength due to underlying metal and aesthetics due to porcelain. Know about types of PFM bridges:

Traditional Porcelain Fixed Bridge 

Traditional PFM dental bridges need placement of a crown or implant adjacent to the missing tooth. Replaced teeth are called pontics. 

Cantilever Bridge  

A cantilever bridge is used in cases where supporting teeth are present only on either side of the missing teeth.  

Maryland Bonded Bridge or Resin-bonded Bridge  

Maryland bridges are supported by a metal or porcelain framework on the back of the adjacent teeth.

Implant-supported Bridge  

Bridges that are cemented on adjacent supporting dental implants are implant supported bridges. 

Advantages of Porcelain Fixed Bridges

  • Porcelain fixed dental bridges provide aesthetics as well as function, and improve eating and speech. 
  • A porcelain bridge aligns with the gums and gives a natural appearance.They mimic the color, size, and shape of the surrounding teeth.
  • Dental bridges prevent drifting of adjacent teeth into gaps created due to missing teeth. They also prevent supra eruption of the teeth in the opposing jaw.
  • PFM dental brides are durable and do not affect surrounding natural teeth.
  • Visit to dentist six monthly ensures good maintenance of dental bridges along with regular brushing and flossing.
  • Missing teeth might lead to a saggy or sunken face appearance. Porcelain bridges maintain the natural contour of the face by filling the gaps caused due to missing teeth. 
  • The porcelain naturally blends with the colour of the tooth enamel, giving a natural look. 
  • Bridges prevent plaque and tartar deposition which generally occurs due non functionality as a result of missing teeth. 

Tips for mainataining PFM bridges 

  • Brush and floss twice a day focusing on the area around the bridge, as improper hygiene increases the chances of plaque accumulation and gum diseases.
  • Visit the dentist every six months for a follow up check-up.
  • Avoid hard and sticky foods that can disturb the dental bridge's longevity. 
  • Tobacco along with having harmful effects on oral health also stains the porcelain. 


Factors to consider before dental bridge placement

Before placing a dental bridge, consider the following factors 

  • Oral Health: Looking for signs of gum diseases and  dental caries. 
  • Bone Density: Here one should ensure that there is adequate bone available.
  • Adjacent Teeth Condition: Assess the health of the neighbouring teeth and then determine whether thye can support the bridge. 
  • Bite Alignment: Make sure the bite relation is adequate from a functional point of view.
  • Patient’s Oral Hygieneatient should be commited to maintaining oral hygiene..   
  • Material Choice: Material should be long lasting, strong, as well as aesthetic.   
  • Cost and Insurance: Bridges to be covered under insurance and not too hard on pocket. 



A porcelain fixed bridge is also widely used to fill the gap that is created by the absence of one or more teeth because of its efficiency and cosmetic value. Luckily, there are many varieties and by consulting with the Dentist Norwood the appropriate solution for an individual case will be determined. Everything we do at our office, including the placement of a porcelain fixed bridge, gently transforms your smile and your life for the better: better health, a more flattering look, and increased self-assurance. Also, do not forget that it is important to take care of that asset, you need to have regular checkups with your dentist for optimal care for that porcelain fixed bridge.

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