In recent times, there has been a noticeable trend of Sydney residents switching to strata property living. This has placed pressure on strata committee members to keep up with the rising demand for strata living. On top of this, strata committee members have to juggle many responsibilities. 


Due to this, they may lack the flexibility to take care of all aspects regarding the management of a strata property and also lack the expertise to take care of important aspects such as contract negotiations with suppliers, building compliance, and strata cleaning. 


Fortunately, by hiring a Sydney building management company, strata committee members can take care of their building management matters. Building management experts are professionals who have the credibility, experience, and expertise to promote sustainable and healthy communal living.


Today’s tenants are constantly scouting for the ideal location which fulfils their living preferences. This includes searching for a strata building management that promotes environment-friendly solutions and fosters sustainable and healthy communal living.

That said, let’s explore the various ways that a Sydney building management company can help strata committee members provide their strata tenants with the ideal living environment they look for. 

Using energy-efficient and safe cleaning equipment 

When it comes to choosing the right building management company, it’s advisable that a strata committee conducts extensive research into the company they’re entrusting to help with various facets of building management. Among them is to assess how well a company upholds their values. It’s recommended to clarify and verify from the company how credible their team and cleaning equipment are, to ensure that their practices comply with environment preservation methods.


This includes energy-conserving practices such as using energy-efficient equipment, like scrubbing machines, industrial vacuum cleaners, and eco-friendly cleaning products. These equipment and products play a pivotal role in creating healthy and sustainable communal living for strata residents.


When it comes to strata living, it’s important to value the opinions of residents living in the building units. Tenants would like to know that services provided by the building management company are not only making a positive impact on the environment but are also safe for them and their children and pets. 


Implementing preventive maintenance 

Wanting to fix a problem after it has already taken place shouldn’t be the strategy committee members equip when looking out for the best interests of the residents of a strata facility. Hence, it’s important to take precautionary measures and implement preventive maintenance within strata. 


Moreover, frequent facility breakdowns and maintenance work could deter prospective tenants from moving into the affected strata property, which may already be affecting the quality of life of existing tenants. 


Professionals understand that strata require regular attention and may even customise a systematic property maintenance plan that informs building committee members of the areas that need to be cleaned, the scheduled maintenance dates, and the estimated costs to prevent unforeseen issues. 


Neglecting a strata that is in need of maintenance could set committee members back, especially when it comes to their budget for cleaning. So it’s important to remember that preventive maintenance decreases the carbon footprint of occupants within the strata and creates a safer environment for them.


Utilising energy-efficient lighting 

Among the most recent practices in energy-conserving solutions is a switch from LED lighting to compact fluorescent lighting (CFL). This is a cost-efficient way to reduce energy-related costs and consumption, while creating a more sustainable living environment for strata residents. 


Both lighting types are known to last longer and result in less energy consumption than regular bulbs. With this lighting being more affordable, keeping common areas such as the swimming pool or grounds lit at night no longer becomes a costly issue. 

Additionally, LED bulbs do not go out suddenly. Instead, they slowly fade out after a while, giving more flexibility for strata committee members to replace the bulbs without inconveniencing tenants by making them navigate their way in the dark.


With their experience using such efficient and energy-conserving lighting, professional Sydney building management companies will know exactly how to make strata more sustainable and healthy to live in, assuring strata committee members that the building is in good hands.


Offering environment-friendly waste management services 

To avoid an unhygienic and unsustainable communal living environment, placing emphasis on the strata building’s waste management and recycling practices is crucial. There is an expectation among strata residents that they should be provided with better ways to recycle waste without creating a landfill. 


Hiring a building management company could avoid poor waste management and recycling issues as well. This can be done through a zero-landfill policy and environment-friendly solutions they may have that reduce output and usage. 


It’s important, therefore, that strata committee members do their research into the policies of the building management company they’re considering hiring. If they offer a zero-landfill policy, this is a good sign, but they must also dig a little deeper to evaluate the environment-friendly solutions offered. 


From composting to recycling, reusing and reducing, a strata property can be rid of any harmful waste quickly and effectively, without impacting residents in the vicinity and the surrounding environment. This will ensure sustainable and healthy communal living is facilitated.

Foster sustainable and healthy communal living with the help of a Sydney building management company  

Environment-friendly practices, energy-conserving solutions, waste and recycling management services, as well as preventive maintenance, are among the key factors instrumental in creating a healthy and sustainable communal living environment for strata residents. Get in touch with a top Sydney building management company that not only cares for you and your loved ones but also the environment. 

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