Can You Find CBD Gummies on Amazon? Exploring the Truth

With the growing popularity of CBD products in recent years, it's no wonder why many people are turning to Amazon for their CBD fix. However, the question remains: can you find CBD gummies on Amazon? The answer isn't as straightforward as you might think.

While Amazon is one of the largest online retailers in the world, the legality surrounding CBD is still murky. Despite the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, which legalizes the production and sale of hemp-derived CBD products, Amazon has not yet updated its policies to reflect this change.

So, does this mean that you cannot find CBD gummies on Amazon? The answer is both yes and no. While Amazon technically doesn't allow the sale of CBD products, some vendors have found ways to work around this policy, leading to a flood of CBD products on the site.

But are these products safe and reliable? Can you trust the claims made by these vendors? And most importantly, are you getting what you pay for?

These are all important questions to consider when it comes to purchasing CBD products on Amazon. In this article, we'll dive deeper into the truth behind CBD gummies on Amazon, so you can make an informed decision about your next purchase.



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Where to Look for CBD Gummies

If you're looking for CBD gummies, it's important to know where to look. While Amazon may not be the best place to find them, there are plenty of other options available.

  • Specialty CBD retailers: There are various specialty retailers that sell CBD products exclusively. These retailers often have a wider selection of CBD products, including gummies.
  • Online CBD retailers: Many online retailers specialize in CBD products, making it easy to shop for gummies from the comfort of your own home.
  • Local health food stores: Some health food stores carry CBD gummies and other CBD products. It's worth checking with your local store to see if they have any available.

Before purchasing CBD gummies from any retailer, it's important to do your research and make sure the product is high quality and reputable. Look for reviews and third-party lab testing to ensure the product is safe and effective.

Amazon's Policy on CBD

Amazon, one of the largest online marketplaces, has a strict policy regarding the sale of CBD products. As of this writing, Amazon does not allow the sale of CBD products on its website, including CBD edibles like gummies, oils, topicals, and supplements.

According to Amazon's policy, only products that are legal and safe for customer use are allowed. Amazon prohibits the sale of products that contain illegal substances or any substances that cause harm to customers. Since CBD is not regulated by the FDA, Amazon has chosen not to sell CBD products on its platform to comply with federal laws.

It is important to note that while Amazon prohibits the sale of CBD products on its website, there are still many sellers who claim to sell CBD gummies on Amazon. However, these sellers are violating Amazon's policy, and their products may not be genuine or safe for consumption.

Therefore, if you are looking to purchase genuine CBD products, it is recommended to buy directly from a trusted CBD company or a reputable online retailer that specializes in CBD products. This way, you can be sure that you are purchasing quality products that are safe for consumption.

Alternatives to Amazon

While Amazon is a popular choice for many online shoppers, there are also many other alternatives to consider. Here are a few options:

  • Etsy: This online marketplace is a great place to find handmade or vintage items, including CBD gummies.
  • Direct from manufacturer: Consider purchasing CBD gummies directly from the manufacturer's website. This ensures authenticity and quality control.
  • Local retailers: Check for local retailers that sell CBD gummies. This can offer the added benefit of being able to see and touch the product before purchasing it.

It's important to do your research and choose a reputable retailer that you trust when purchasing CBD gummies. While Amazon may be a convenient option for many things, it's not always the best choice when it comes to CBD products.

Quality Control Concerns

One of the major concerns when it comes to CBD gummies on Amazon is the lack of quality control measures. Unfortunately, Amazon sellers are not required to adhere to the same strict regulations as other retailers who sell CBD products, such as dispensaries or health food stores. As a result, there is a risk of purchasing a product that is mislabeled, contains harmful chemicals, or has inconsistent levels of CBD.

It's important to note that not all CBD gummies on Amazon are bad, but it can be difficult for consumers to differentiate between the good and the bad. It's recommended to do thorough research on the seller and the product, as well as look for third-party lab testing results to ensure the product is safe and contains the appropriate levels of CBD.

Consumers should also be aware that the lack of regulation on Amazon means that some sellers may use inferior ingredients or fillers to cut costs, which can compromise the overall quality and effectiveness of the product. This is why it's crucial to read the label and ingredient list carefully to ensure the product is made with high-quality, natural ingredients.

  • Check for the seller's reputation and reviews
  • Look for third-party lab testing results
  • Read the label and ingredient list carefully

By taking these precautionary measures, consumers can ensure they are purchasing a high-quality and safe CBD gummy product on Amazon.

Price Comparison of CBD Gummies on Amazon

If you're looking to buy CBD gummies on Amazon, it's important to do your research and compare prices. Amazon has a vast selection of products, but not all of them are created equal. Some brands may offer more expensive products with higher quality ingredients, while others may have cheaper prices but lower quality products.

When comparing prices, it's important to consider the quantity and strength of the gummies. Some brands may offer smaller quantities with a higher potency, while others may offer larger quantities with lower potency. It's important to know what works for you and your budget.

Additionally, some brands may offer discounts or promotions on their products, such as free shipping or a percent off your purchase. It's worth checking for these deals before making your decision.

Brand Price (per gummy) Quantity Potency
Brand A $0.15 30 10mg
Brand B $0.08 60 5mg
Brand C $0.10 20 25mg

In this example, Brand B offers the most affordable option at $0.08 per gummy, but has a lower potency of 5mg per gummy. Brand A and C both offer higher potency options, but at a higher price per gummy. It's up to the consumer to decide which option works best for their needs and budget.

Customer Reviews:

Reading customer reviews is a great way to get an idea of the quality of a product before purchasing it. When it comes to CBD gummies, Amazon does not allow sellers to use the term "CBD" in their product listings. Therefore, it can be difficult to find genuine CBD gummies on Amazon, and customer reviews may not always be accurate.

However, there are other hemp-derived gummies available on Amazon, and reading customer reviews can still be helpful in determining the overall quality of the product. Pay attention to the comments on taste, texture, and effectiveness to help guide your purchasing decision.

Keep in mind that some sellers may also use fake reviews to boost their product ratings. Look for reviews that provide detailed information and seem genuine rather than simply stating "great product" or "horrible product."

In conclusion, while Amazon may not be the best source for genuine CBD gummies, reading customer reviews can still be a helpful tool in determining the quality of other similar products.

Legal considerations

In considering whether or not to purchase CBD gummies from Amazon, it is important to take into account the legal implications of doing so. While the 2018 Farm Bill legalized industrial hemp and its derivatives, including CBD, at a federal level, there are still some state and local laws that prohibit or restrict the sale and use of CBD products.

In addition, the FDA has not yet approved CBD as a dietary supplement or for any medical use, aside from one prescription drug for the treatment of epilepsy. This means that the quality and safety of CBD products, including gummies, are not regulated by the FDA.

It is important to be aware that purchasing CBD gummies from Amazon may mean taking a risk in terms of legality and safety. It is recommended to do thorough research and consult with a healthcare professional before consuming any CBD products.


Can I buy CBD gummies on Amazon?

Technically, you can find CBD gummies on Amazon. However, Amazon's policy prohibits the sale of products containing CBD. Therefore, the CBD gummies sold on Amazon are likely to be fake or low-quality products, so it's not advisable to buy them from the website.

What is the quality of CBD gummies sold on Amazon?

The quality of CBD gummies on Amazon is questionable. Since Amazon prohibits the sale of CBD products, those products listed on the platform are either fake or low-quality. It's essential to buy CBD gummies from a reputable source to ensure they meet safety and quality standards.

Why does Amazon not allow the sale of CBD products?

Amazon doesn't allow the sale of CBD products due to the legal ambiguity surrounding CBD. While it's legal in some states, the federal government still considers CBD illegal. Hence, Amazon prefers not to risk legal complications that may arise by allowing the sale of CBD products on its platform.

Can CBD gummies sold on Amazon be harmful to my health?

The CBD gummies sold on Amazon are of questionable quality, and there's no way to confirm the safety of consuming such products. There are several reports of fake and low-quality CBD products that contain harmful additives such as pesticides, heavy metals, and toxic solvents. Hence, it's best to avoid CBD gummies sold on Amazon to ensure the safety of your health.

Where can I buy high-quality CBD gummies?

You can buy high-quality CBD gummies from reputable CBD dispensaries, health stores, and online retailers that specialize in CBD products. Make sure you check the product's label to ensure it's made from organic hemp and contains no harmful additives. Also, read reviews from other customers to determine the quality of the product before making a purchase.



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William Smith


As a frequent online shopper, I was surprised to learn that Amazon doesn't sell CBD gummies. This article was informative and provided insight into the complex laws surrounding CBD products. It's reassuring to know that Amazon is taking a cautious approach to selling these products, as it highlights the importance of finding trustworthy sources for CBD.

I appreciate the tips provided on how to find reliable CBD sellers online. It's essential to look for third-party lab tests and customer reviews to ensure that the product you are buying is safe and effective. The article's emphasis on doing your research and being wary of "too good to be true" deals is important, as there are unfortunately many unscrupulous sellers out there.

While the article does touch on the potential health benefits of CBD, I would have liked to see more detailed information on this topic. As someone who suffers from anxiety and chronic pain, I am interested in learning how CBD can potentially help manage these symptoms. It would have been helpful to see more scientific studies cited in the article to support the claims of CBD's efficacy.

Overall, I found this article to be informative and helpful. As someone who is new to the world of CBD, I appreciate the tips provided on how to find trustworthy sellers and hope to try CBD gummies for myself in the near future.




Thanks for this article. I was curious about buying CBD gummies on Amazon so I appreciate the information. I will definitely do my research and seek out reputable sources before making a purchase.


James Davis


I have been interested in trying CBD for a while now and was wondering if Amazon was a reliable source for gummies. This article provided helpful information on why Amazon doesn't sell CBD products and how to find trustworthy sellers online. I will be sure to look for third-party lab tests and customer reviews when making my purchase.

One thing I would have liked to see in the article is more information on the potential health benefits of CBD. As someone who suffers from anxiety and chronic pain, knowing how CBD can potentially help me manage these symptoms would be beneficial.



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