The liver plays an important role in maintaining overall health condition. Whether it is detoxification and metabolism to storage of nutrients and regulation of hormone, liver deserves proper attention and complete protection. Various steps can be taken to maintain liver health and 9 in 10 liver disease cases can be prevented in the UK. Go through this comprehensive guide to learn about the importance of liver health and what to do to keep your liver healthy.

Importance of a healthy Liver

The liver is responsible for different functions in our body. If you fail to maintain liver health, then this can cause several complications which might impact your well-being significantly. Read on to know why you should take care of your liver:

  • Fatty liver disease

One of the consequences of neglecting liver health is the development of fatty liver disease. This condition takes place when the fat accumulates into the cells and impairs its function. If you do not treat it on time, then fatty liver disease might progress to severe conditions such as non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and liver cirrhosis. These can compromise liver functioning and increase the chances of liver failure.

  • Hepatitis

When you pay no heed to liver health, this can leave you susceptible to viral infections like hepatitis. This is an inflammation of the liver caused due to viral strains such as hepatitis A, B, and C. These infections may cause severe liver inflammation, scarring and liver cancer. On-time diagnosis, treatment, and prevention measures are crucial in safeguarding against hepatitis and lessening its long-term impact on liver health.

  • Impaired detoxification

The liver has a vital role in detoxifying harmful substances from your body. Neglecting liver health might impair its ability to eliminate the toxins efficiently, causing an accumulation of harmful substances into the bloodstream. This can be the reason for several health problems, including digestive issues, skin disorders, fatigue and increased susceptibility to infections.

  • Hormonal imbalances

When your liver health gets compromised, this can disrupt the metabolism and elimination of hormones from the body. This may lead to hormonal imbalances such as thyroid dysfunction or oestrogen dominance. These imbalances may cause different symptoms and health issues which include – irregular menstrual cycles, weight gain, fertility issues and mood swings.

  • Decreased nutrient processing

Your neglected liver might struggle to metabolise different nutrients efficiently. This can be the reason for deficiencies in nutrients such as vitamins and minerals necessary for your overall health. Inadequate processing of nutrients might impact different functions of the body, affect energy levels, the function of the immune system and overall well-being.

Easy ways to protect your liver

Some steps can be taken to lessen the risk of harming your liver:

  • Maintain a healthy weight

If you are overweight or obese, then you are in danger of getting a fatty liver causing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD. Weight loss can have a vital part in reducing liver fat which makes your diet healthy and balanced. When you remain physically active, this can help you to lose weight.

  • Eat a balanced diet

Do not eat high-calorie meals, refined carbohydrates, sugars and saturated fat. Avoid eating undercooked or raw shellfish. Include fibre for a well-balanced diet which you can get from fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals, rice and whole grains. It is necessary to stay in proper hydration and so, you should drink lots of water. You can consume the best foods and drinks for your liver which include:

  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Beetroot juice
  • Fatty fish
  • Broccoli
  • Grapefruit
  • Blueberries
  • Nuts
  • Cranberries
  • Prickly pears
  • Grapes
  • Olive oil

These foods are nutrient dense which have antioxidants for supporting liver health. It can also help to lessen inflammation, avoid damage of cells and ease oxidative stress.

  • Perform your daily exercises

When you exercise constantly, it burns triglycerides for fuel and reduces liver fat. Regular physical activity can:

  • improve flow of blood to the liver
  • change how the blood vessels dilate
  • decrease body fat
  • change the composition of bacteria in the body
  • lessen liver inflammation
  • Do not take toxins

Toxins may cause injury to the liver cells. You should restrict direct contact with toxins from cleaning and aerosol products, additives and chemicals. When you use aerosols, make sure the room remains in good ventilation and you wear a face mask.

  • Use alcohol in a responsible way

Alcoholic beverages may be the reason for different health problems. They can destroy or damage liver cells and scar your liver. In the UK, men and women should drink at least 14 units in a week. Talk to your doctor about the amount of alcohol you can drink in moderation only or to quit completely.

  • Do not take contaminated needles

Dirty needles are not associated with intravenous usage of drugs. You need to follow up with a medical practitioner and seek testing for any kind of skin penetration involving needles or sharp instruments.

  • Never share personal hygiene items

Toothbrushes, nail clippers and razors may carry microscopic levels of blood or other body fluids that can infect easily.

  • Practice the habit of safe sex

Having unsafe sex or sex with multiple partners might increase the risk of hepatitis B and hepatitis C. You need to wear a condom and lessen this risk for safe and healthy sex with your partner.

  • Wash your hands properly

Use warm water and soap after you go to the bathroom, and before preparing or eating food.

  • Follow necessary directions on all medications

When medicines are taken inappropriately, your liver may get damaged. Do not combine alcohol with other medications even though they are not taken together. Inform the doctor about over-the-counter medicines, supplements and natural remedies you use.

Are you extremely worried about your liver health? Do you want to improve liver health? If yes, then feel free to speak with our private doctor here at Medical Express Clinic London. All our treatments are easy, quick and painless which provides a non-surgical option for your liver problem.

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