UK businesses need to obtain a sponsor licence to hire skilled workers for their company. To scale up your business, it is essential to onboard highly skilled professionals from all around the world to help your business grow. To hire overseas talents, it is essential that you have this Sponcor licence UK. Without this licence, you won't be able to hire migrant workers for your business. However, this licence comes with immense responsibilities and duties. A licence holder must fulfil the responsibilities associated with this licence. Non-compliance and not fulfilling your duties can lead to sponsor licence revocation. Suspension can be a devastating experience for employers and for employees. As an employer, you won't hire migrant workers for your UK business, even if your existing employees will also not be able to work with you after a certain period of time. As a UK Sponsor licence holder, you will be required to maintain compliance to avoid sponsor licence revocation. There is no way out apart from fulfilling your duties and staying compliant with UK immigration rules and regulations. As a new sponsor licence holder, you may require professional help from immigration lawyers in the UK. Their assistance can help you stay compliant with your sponsor duties. In this comprehensive article, we have discussed several checklists to maintain compliance and avoid suspension of the sponsor licence. 

Reasons Behind the Sponsor Licence Revocation

Believe it or not, it is essential to understand the reasons behind sponsor licence revocation. Before you know about a comprehensive checklist to avoid suspension, it is essential to know the grounds for suspension. First of all, you need to understand your responsibilities as a sponsor. The UK Home Office can suspend your licence if you fail to comply with your duties. A sponsor's duty is to keep records of their migrant workers. Record keeping involves keeping contact details, residential addresses, immigration status, passport details, and other relevant information about your migrant workers. Apart from this, there should be a robust human resource system in place to fulfil all your obligations related to sponsor duties. The Home Office runs compliance visits, and during this visit, if they find that you are lacking in fulfilling your sponsor duties, they can suspend your licence with immediate effect. In our next section, we will discuss several responsibilities of a sponsor licence holder. 

Tips to Prevent Sponsor Licence Revocation

If you are a sponsor licence holder, you must fulfil your duties as designed by the UK visas and immigration to prevent your licence from suspension. Here in this section, we have mentioned some of the responsibilities that are essential to fulfil a sponsor licence holder. Go through this comprehensive checklist to understand your duties and responsibilities. 

  • As a sponsor, you need to maintain records of your migrant workers, such as their contact details, passport details, residential address, daily attendance, qualification certificates, etc. 
  • If an employee doesn't show up to work for more than ten days, you must inform the Home Office. You can do this through the sponsor management system and revoke your sponsorship. 
  • It's the sponsor's duty to inform the Home Office about changes in employees' salaries, job locations, and job duties. An employee handbook must be maintained to maintain the daily attendance of your migrant workers. 
  • Before hiring a migrant worker, a UK employer must check their rights to work in the United Kingdom. Migrant workers must have the right to work in the UK to work with a UK employer. Hiring illegal workers can put you in a difficult situation, and you may have to experience several consequences. 
  • As per the UK government's rules and regulations, you must pay your employees genuine salaries, define their working hours well, and provide them with health benefits. 
  • The Home Office can conduct a compliance visit anytime without informing you. You must be prepared for such unwanted situations and assign a key personnel to handle all the compliance visits. 
  • You must provide the Home Office with correct and accurate information about your company and migrant workers. Inaccuracy in information can also be a major reason for sponsor licence suspension. 
  • You must inform the UK Home Office of any decrease in salaries and job responsibilities. The sponsor management system should be maintained from the day migrant workers join. 
  • To avoid sponsor licence suspension, it is essential that you conduct internal audits to analyse where you are lacking in fulfilling compliance duties. This practice can help you to stay compliant with your sponsor's duties. 

So these are some of the sponsor duties that sponsor licence holders must fulfil. Suspension of the licence can put you in a complex situation, impacting your business operations and negatively affecting your image in the global business industry. To minimise these complexities, it is essential that you seek professional help from immigration lawyers in the UK. There are some renowned immigration firms in the United Kingdom, such as A Y & J Solicitors. They have a team of immensely knowledgeable and experienced immigration lawyers. Professional help can tremendously benefit sponsor licence holders to save their licence from getting suspended. They can assist you stay updated with all the UK immigration rules and regulations. 

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