In most cases, the higher the rent on an apartment, the higher the credit score necessary to rent the place. If you have been good at making payments on time and paying off those credit cards, then this will increase your credit score and make it more likely that the landlord will rent the unit to you. The worse your credit score, the harder it will become to get into the apartment that you need.


If you have struggled with your credit in the past, it is still possible to rent an apartment. Just be ready for having to jump through a few more hoops to make it happen. Some of the things you can consider doing to help with this includes:


# Bring on a cosigner: This is going to help the landlord have another party to come to when the rent is due, so they may be more willing to rent the place to you. A cosigner is going to help assume some of the legal responsibility and financial risks of the apartment if you do not pay the rent on time. Do not use this as an excuse to not pay your rent though, or you could end up ruining some good relationships in your life.

# Show your credit report and pay stubs: You may have to talk to the landlord or the property manager and explain some of the blemishes that are on your credit report and what caused the issue. If it is just one little thing that happened, like a hospital stay, that put you behind, the landlord may still be willing to work with you and let you rent the apartment from them.
# Pay a few months of rent upfront: In some cases, you may find that you can pay two or three months of rent to the landlord right away. This will give the landlord some assurance that you are able to afford the apartment, even if there are some financial difficulties that you are working through. It may take longer to save up this amount, but can make it easier if you have struggled before.


No matter your credit score or the income that you have right now, you need to think about which apartment is right for your next home. Our apartments near Pittsboro will provide you with the best home for you to choose. These apartments come with all the amenities that you need, keeping you comfortable and make you feel right at home. Our team is ready to welcome you in, answer your questions, and make sure that you are able to get the application filled out quickly. Come and take a look at some of our apartments today.

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