The first class we'll begin off with is warrior. Out of the three specs they have to WoW Classic SoD Gold file specs including arms warrior and protection warrior. There's another spec that deals with revenge. you've spoken about that later. The Arms Warriors are different than the ones from TBC to the wrath of the Lich King. You're spending the majority of time in battle stance because it increases the armor's penetration.
You have things like overpower if you cast overpower as an enemy casts it. Overpower is 50% less damaging and healing has bladestorm. you're also able to use your charge to combat, and the protection warrior is a ton of utility, being able to blink at silence being capable of using all your charges and interceptions while in defensive stance. You've got shockwave concussion injury you suffered this morning and an incredible amount of usefulness particularly mass spell reflect. And the most popular ability from the protection treat is intervene could actually cause root damage.
So , to eliminate SLOs there's also a revenge-spec warrior that is an arms warrior, however instead of the remainder of the points being in the fairy tree, it's now in the tree of protection with points right down to the last stand, as well in a more powerful revenge. This is only useful against targets that strike you.
If you don't, you'll not get any reward products. One of the most scary competitors to face in at an arena is TSG's arms warrior. DK holy pally. TSG is going to be the number three B3 comp you'll need to play the arms warrior If you're playing prot, you're gonna want to play thunder which is the le shaman arm prot the arms warrior and a healer.
In general, a holy pally could be a disc priests, twos you're going to want to WoW SoD Gold play this holy holy arms warrior is just one of the strongest matchups in TOS . In addition to the freedoms and Bob's sacrifice and in particular, the sacred shield. you could also play with other healers like a disc priest. They're also fantastic and the resto shaman is the last pick, but really, you can play with anyone healer and perform just fine.
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