How to create an online store with Shopify Do you want to create an online store but don't know how or where? If this is your problem, chances are you've never heard of Shopify.
Shopify is the platform that every online business entrepreneur should know. It provides endless advantages that fit like a glove to those users who want to create an online store from scratch.
Online stores have become the pinnacle of the digital market, and not having a means to promote and/or sell your products online is taking away growth opportunities.
Unfortunately, not everyone has the time or skill to design and develop a website from scratch, although it is true that it is better in the long run.
So many entrepreneurs choose to hire the services of a web designer, but on the other hand, it is more fun and satisfying to know that you created your own online store (the DIY or "do it yourself" of a lifetime).
But as it could not be otherwise, not everyone wants to pay the price of creating a website in WordPress , so many venture to create a free online store on some of the free platforms that you can see in this article .
Having the power to remove or add elements from our own online store is a pleasure worth experiencing, and if you feel at a disadvantage because you do not have design knowledge or do not want to start creating your own website with WordPress, Shopify is the option ideal for you. For expert help on how to start a Shopify store.

Ready for this guide to create your online store on Shopify? Let's start!

What is Shopify, what does it do and how does it work?
Reasons to bet on Shopify
How to create an online store with Shopify
            • Register your store on the platform
            • Know the options to configure your online or ecommerce store
            • Buy domains from Shopify
How to design your Shopify online store
How to add products to Shopify
Shopify allows you to create an online dropshipping store
How to view visits and sales for your Shopify online store
Increase your sales with Shopify Apps
SEO Image Optimiser by Booster Apps
MailChimp Forms by MailMunch
Outfy – Social Media Promotion
Notify Me
How much does Shopify cost?

What is Shopify, what does it do and how does it work?

Let's get to the point, with Shopify you can create a completely personalized online store in a short time and without needing help. That is, you can create your own electronic commerce or ecommerce where you can sell third-party products or your own.
The platform has a minimalist and friendly interface, ideal for those people who like direct options and without the need for knowledge in web design.
On the other hand, Shopify has a wide variety of options that will allow you to exploit your brand without having to use your social networks (although it is always better to have them); In a single portal – your online store – you can manage your brand, products and items, inventory and anything else related to your online business.
If you are still not sure why you should create an online store with Shopify, below are a few reasons why you should opt for this platform if you do not dare to launch your own website:

Reasons to bet on Shopify

Although Shopify is not the only option for developing online stores on the Internet (in fact, my recommendation is that you have your own website where you can sell your products), the truth is that the platform has its advantages and disadvantages.
You have already been able to guess my opinion on this topic and why I prefer to have my own website as an online store.
However, there are people who prefer to have it all together and worry more about the background of their online businesses.

So Shopify is a clear choice for these advantages:

We can enjoy all of Shopify's services for 14 days, free of charge and without the fear of revealing important information (such as bank details, for example).
This option seems brutal to me because you can try it without any obligations and, once you know the platform, be able to assess whether or not it is worth it for you to use Shopify to create an online store .
Shopify provides us with unique and custom domains at a very affordable cost (some even free).
It has hundreds of templates so we don't have to waste time designing. Each of them has an ideal structure for making catalogs , product lists , including details and any other vital element in an online store.
It allows absolute control of every detail of our online store.
The platform places a lot of emphasis on the security of its clients, so you won't have to worry about this.
You will be able to manage your online store quickly and easily .
Shopify allows you to incorporate sales channels to increase the popularity of the company.
Accepts different payment methods such as Paypal or bank card.
It allows you to check the index or trend of each of your products to know if your sales are growing (or not).
It allows you to create online dropshipping stores where you do not need to be the manufacturer of the product or even have it in stock. You just choose which products to sell on Shopify without having to manufacture or ship anything yourself.
Here you have more information about dropshipping and other profitable online businesses.
What I like most about Shopify is that it is a safe (and fun) option to create online stores for those users without knowledge of WordPress and web design and even for those who do not dare to take that leap but do want to have one online store in a more comfortable way than having and managing an entire website themselves.

How to create an online store with Shopify

The first thing you should know about Shopify is that you must follow a series of steps to create an online store.
The platform generates the virtual store once we register, but the rest is in our hands. So if you want to create an online store with Shopify and have it adapt to your needs, you must follow the following steps:

Register your store on the platform

Although it may seem obvious, many people still do not have the culture that “ if you want to be part of something, you must be part of it . ” And this cliché phrase applies to the Shopify platform. For this reason, the first thing we must do is enter Shopify and register on the page. Below I show you how to do it:
Click on the following link to Register on the official Shopify page.
Once you have entered the page, type the email address of your choice and then press the Start button to enter the data.

How to register on Shopify

Proceed to enter the password and the name of the store (or brand). Note : Use the email you use the most, as Shopify constantly sends notifications so you can stay up to date with changes or any other issues.
Shopify trial period
Once you have entered the details, click the Create your store button (as shown in the image).
Next, you must fill out a form with the following information: first and middle name, address, country, city, zip code, telephone number and the link to your website (if you have one).
Then your portal will be created in Shopify as shown in the image below.
Welcome page

Shopify home

It is important that you remember that, if you are only going to use Shopify for 14 days , that is, for free , it will not ask you for banking information. If after two weeks you decide to use their services, you will have to provide your credit card information to be able to use the platform's services.

Know the options to configure your online or ecommerce store

With the previous steps we already access the platform. To create the online store you have to know a little about the options that Shopify offers in its main interface (as can be seen in the previous image).
Shopify has several options, such as: Orders, Products, Customers, Analysis, Discounts, Applications, Online Store and Settings.
Additionally, the platform offers you the possibility of adding a product , choosing a custom theme and adding a domain .
Below I tell you how to configure your online store through the different options that Shopify offers.

Steps to set up your online store in a short time

The design of an online store is not everything. It takes time and dedication to establish each of the details that will make up the site.
It is for this reason that Shopify advances the task for us and provides us with multiple configuration options , ranging from General configuration to Billing or Invoicing.

Shopify configuration

There are several adjustments that we can make and, depending on the one we choose, Shopify will make the changes in our online store. Among the Configuration options (by clicking ' Settings ') that Shopify offers are:


Like any ecommerce platform, Shopify offers an option where we can modify our personal data , such as company name, email, address, among others.
You can also include information that you did not entre during registration, such as, for example: the format of the orders that will arrive after a customer places an order. 

Payment providers

how to activate a credit card payment provider
Shopify thinks of everything, and for this reason it gives us several payment options so that we can integrate the mode that best suits our needs. This setting has several payment options, such as: Express Checkout (where you can manage your payments from PayPal ), Payments Pro (where you can affiliate your credit card to your PayPal account), Accept credit cards , Alternative payments and Manual payments .

Set up payments in Shopify


A few years ago it was impossible to customize the payment process in Shopify, but today the platform offers many options to manage the payment method .
Checkout mainly helps us offer account registration service so that customers can choose whether or not they want to create an account in the online store; as well as contact methods so that the customer can receive notification about their order via SMS or email.
The latter will depend on what you like the most. Currently, SMS is not used much but there are still many companies that use SMS as a primary contact method, since it allows them to interact faster with the customer, and this validates that the order (or purchases) has been made or not.
However, everyone uses email, but it is true that there does not have to be that "immediacy" like there is with SMS.
On the other hand, in Checkout you can also establish the billing format that will be made to the client , the refund and privacy policy  (very important to avoid problems from the beginning), as well as the terms of service and the language in which it will be written the invoice. It should be noted that, for the latter, that is, the language of the invoice, you must configure the option to choose the language and the words that will appear in each of the payment method modules.

Shopify checkout

shopify checkout


In Shipping you can establish the shipping methods that your company will offer . Here you can edit the origin address, shipping zones (domestic or global), packages (with box sizes), and even additional shipping methods.


The tax rate Shopify places will depend on your country of origin. In this option you can select that all the prices of your Shopify store include a percentage of tax that must be paid.


Would you like your customers to receive a notification that captures the essence of your online store? Well this is the ideal option for you. In Notifications you can change order details, manage shipping and choose the template that the notification will have.

Shopify notifications

shopify notifications


files files shopify
In Files you can upload images, videos and documents , whatever you want. By simply pressing the Upload files button you can select the file you want to upload and that's it.

Sales channels

When it comes to managing the sales channels of your online store , Sales channels is the ideal option. Through sales channels you can sell through mobile applications, social networks or in person . You just have to choose the one that best suits your needs!

Shopify sales channels

shopify sales channels


In Account you can manage your accounts and permissions , access services and the status of the Shopify store. With this last option you can hire a Shopify design expert, pause the store's activity for a certain time and even close it.


Managing the information that each of the invoices that your online store will issue will have is very important, and through this option you will be able to do it without problems.

Buy domains from Shopify

The next step to get the online store of your dreams is to know how to buy domains from Shopify .
I recommend reading this post to understand  what a domain is and how to choose the best one .
We must remember that once we register on the page, Shopify generates a domain for us by default . This domain will correspond to the name of your company or brand, and you can modify it or buy another one . In case you want to buy a new domain, you just have to follow the following steps:
Select the Online Store option to bring up the options. Next, the following options will appear: Themes, Blog posts, Pages, Navigation, Domains and Preferences. Click on the Domains option.

Shopify domains

In Buy new domain you can confirm the existence of the domain you type, and the more you type, examples of similar domains will begin to appear and, of course, those that are available. If you click on « Connect existing domain » you will be able to connect a domain that you already have.
As available domains appear, they will show you the prices. All you have to do is select the one you like the most and pay.
Now, if you want to search for available domains , that is, those that do not yet belong to anyone, you just have to click here which will help you search for available domains on Shopify with the word you have entered.
Once you have entered the page, you just have to enter the name of your online store and click the Generate domains button . And, immediately, Shopify will show you a list of available domains that fully match the name of your online store (as shown in the example image).

Available Shopify domains

Once you select the one you like the most, a pop-up window will appear asking for your email and password . You also have to re-enter your personal data (in the same way we did in the account registration section) and that's it. That's how quick and easy it is to change the domain of your online store.

How to design your Shopify online store

The time has come to focus on the design of your online store.
As it could not be otherwise, Shopify offers you different themes or templates that of course you can also modify and are adapted to mobile devices.
There are free templates and paid templates, there it is up to you to decide. My recommendation is that you start with a free one until you learn the ropes and then move on to a paid one.
To access the Themes you just have to click on « Online Store » and then on « Themes «. There you can see the current theme you have on (the most basic) and modify it to your liking by clicking Customize :

Shopify themes and templates

And just below you can see the free themes by clicking on « Explore Free Themes «:

Free Shopify themes

free shopify themes
As you can see in the image, all the designs are of very good quality but without a doubt what I like the most is that they have very good usability for both PC and mobile. This is very important since for the user it is something essential that facilitates sales.
Don't forget to create a logo for your online store with this article!
Additionally, if you control some CSS you can use it to further personalize your online store.

How to add products to Shopify

add product shopify add product
Once you have everything set up, all you have to do is add the product sheets to your Shopify store .
To do this you will have to click on Products and then Add product  as you can see in the image:

Add product Shopify add product

Here you have to add the name of the product , a description (it is very important that it is original to avoid duplicate content and this negatively affects SEO), the price , the inventory (put the units you have and once they are gone, it will put the product It's out of stock until you have it again) and of course, a good image .
Try to make the image as professional as possible because practically 70% of whether the sale is made or the client backs out will depend on it.

Shopify allows you to create an online dropshipping store

If you still don't know what dropshipping is, need an expert go to this link where you will see what this type of online business is and why it is one of the best online businesses.
In short, creating an online dropshipping store will allow you to sell third-party products (mainly wholesalers) through your website, so you will not have to take care of the shipping logistics.
That is, the wholesaler directly sends the products purchased in your dropshipping online store that you have on Shopify. This has the great advantage that you save yourself the entire issue of shipping, packages, inventory, etc.
Well, of course, you can also create a dropshipping online store with Shopify .

How to view visits and sales for your Shopify online store

A section that seems fundamental to me is Analytics.  Here you can see a lot of statistics among which stand out:
Total sales (in number and money).
Total visits .
Percentage of repeat customers purchasing from your Shopify store.
Percentage of visits that end up purchasing a product. Very important to test designs and images and see which one works best.
Total orders.
Average profit per order.
Shopify analytics
shopify analytics

Increase your sales with Shopify Apps

And this does not end here. Shopify has a type of plugins or tools that enhance your online store to improve both its appearance and sales, enhance its digital marketing and even improve the SEO positioning of your website. Come on, everything that online businesses need to continue growing and increase profits.
Just click Apps and Visit Shopify App Store to see all the apps it has. It currently has more than 700 apps for all types of purposes. Here I leave you some free ones that I find very interesting:

SEO Image Optimizer by Booster Apps

If you don't know how to optimize images, here you have an optimizer so that your online store loads much faster and Google wants it more.

MailChimp Forms by MailMunch

Do you want to attract subscribers to your online store to send them emails with offers?
With this app you can create a list of subscribers with the Mailchimp platform, one of the most used in the world that will surely help you get more sales by email.

Outfy – Social Media Promotion

Promote your online store and your products through social networks for free with this app.

Notify Me

This simple App will notify you by email when a product is out of stock so that you can increase the stock or remove that product from the store until you have it again.

How much does Shopify cost?

Shopify's price varies depending on the different plans it offers: basic, normal, and advanced.
As you can see, Shopify prices vary depending on how advanced your online store is.
My advice, and if the store is going to be managed by one or 2 people, is that you take the basic plan and increase the plan as you grow.
Now that you know how to create an online store with Shopify,  you will only have to add more products and advertise your online store  with digital marketing through social networks (especially Facebook, Instagram and YouTube) and even with content marketing writing blogs or creating your own.
I hope this super guide to creating your online store with Shopify has been helpful to you and if you have any questions, let us know in the comments!
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