The evolution of the food delivery service through applications is progressing in leaps and bounds, in Mexico the adoption and use of these technologies is increasing, appearing as a necessary service to order food in your restaurant, in this article we will share 7 benefits that these platforms offer.

It is likely that your restaurant belongs to the directory of one of the most popular food delivery applications in USA, such as Eatzilla , or you are considering incorporating your restaurant into one of them, so you should make the most of this new distribution channel.

1. Digital menu

One of the advantages of directories for ordering food at home is having the restaurant’s menu, some platforms allow you to place photographs and edit the description of each dish, this is important since they are your weapons to convince the user to order at your restaurant and turn him into a frequent customer.

Another advantage of the digital menu is to make your prices known. On the platforms you will be exposed to many types of customers who have a different budget for their consumption, whether breakfast, lunch or dinner. Take advantage of the promotion options and conquer a new type of customer. with your flavor and quality.

2. Online order and tracking

A benefit that digital ordering platforms offer is the tracking of your order, unlike the home service by phone, digital platforms allow you to know the status of your order whether received, in preparation, sent or delivered, they also allow you to receive notifications in devices and provide peace of mind to users by monitoring their order and having an approximate delivery time.

Some platforms offer filters to order from restaurants that offer shorter delivery times, streamline your processes with modules such as Sparkout tech monitor and climb positions in the directories to receive more orders.

3. New clients

A great opportunity that new digital platforms provide is to reach new diners that with a good strategy you can conquer. You must keep in mind that unlike the experience that your customers have in the restaurant, when ordering through an app it is very difficult to convey the spirit of your brand, but not impossible, a good way to position your brand is through packaging, this is the plus that your restaurant offers, invest in packaging with your logo, special designs on the bags and loyalty accessories such as frequent customer cards or invitations to special events at your restaurant, investing in this section will make the difference between buying by price or buying by the experience that your restaurant offers.

4. Loyalty

A strong point of home delivery directories are loyalty programs. Creating exclusive promotions in your restaurant helps retain your existing customers and attract new ones.

Discounts are a good way to attract new customers and are likely to increase downloads of your application if you offer exclusive offers periodically, don’t be afraid to communicate your app offers among your restaurant’s diners, ordering delivery does not reduce visits To your restaurant, on the contrary, it offers an alternative for additional consumption.

Remember that loyalty programs on mobile devices are much more effective than traditional ones because they have a personal touch.

5. Cost savings

In this section we are not talking about savings in contracts, on the contrary, an app represents an additional channel to your traditional home Food delivery solutions, we are talking about the development of your own application for your restaurant, which can be expensive and time-consuming, the use of platforms or directories It represents a saving on the initial investment, allowing you to understand how it works and adapting your workflow for the moment when you decide to incorporate your own application for your restaurant.

  • Simple application, with an initial price of €700, about $14,000 USD.
  • App with Database, starts with a budget of €5,000 about $100,000 USD.

Sparkout Tech offers an alternative to designing your own application through the “My App” model, creating a personalized app with the image of your business so that your diners can download it and order at home with direct integration to Sparkout tech.

6. Connect with your clients

Having your own application or being present in a directory allows your customers to continue enjoying your food anywhere and at any time. Knowing that your r

Restaurant will be there for them creates a special bond that positions your restaurant during the most important hours of the year. day, think about the thousands of users who will see your restaurant and who are still on the way to becoming your diners, propose your promotions as the first step to invite these new customers to get to know you both in taste and in future events or promotions in your restaurant .

7. Measure your results

A final benefit of having home delivery applications is the opportunity to measure your return on investment in your restaurant’s campaigns. Having digital and physical distribution media allows you to measure the success of your advertising, O2O (Offline to Online) campaigns. ) are very effective to promote the download of your application or encourage home delivery through the directory app and vice versa from your app and the packaging of your deliveries you can promote campaigns to visit your restaurant and thus measure the success of your promotions .

Another advantage is being able to complement your Facebook campaigns, converting simple likes into frequent customers who download your app and order delivery frequently, making your investment have a better return.

The use of technology in your restaurant will always be a differentiator in your service, analyze the benefits it represents for your business and propose strategies that allow you to incorporate these tools without affecting your budget.

Create your AI-powered food delivery app successfully with Sparkout Tech top-notch solutions. Let’s hear your idea!

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