To successfully manage your weight, you need to change your lifestyle and mindset for the long haul, but also – your behavior – as healthy actions define positive weight loss results.


Here is a quick to-do of top strategies to help you change your behavior toward your weight management goals.


Home Environment


  • Eat only at the dining table, avoiding TV and other distractions.
  • Remove or hide unhealthy/high-caloric tempting foods from your home so that healthier, lower-calorie options are more at reach.
  • Prepare healthy snacks like fruits, vegetables, or low-fat dairy products to have on hand.


Adjusting Your Work Environment


  • Stay away from eating or keeping snacks at your desk.
  • Plan healthy snacks between meals and walk during breaks.
  • Keep gum or low-calorie drinks nearby to prevent mindless eating.


Mealtime Strategies


  • Aim for a balanced plate: half vegetables, a quarter lean protein, and a quarter starch.
  • Use smaller plates to make portions look more than enough to your brain.
  • Pass on offers for seconds.
  • Eat slowly to allow your brain time to register fullness.


Daily Food Management Tips


  • Try drinking water 20 minutes before giving in to a craving to see if you are really hungry and not thirsty.
  • Be mindful and measure high-calorie additions to your food and drinks.
  • When dining out, opt for a la carte over buffet and focus on vegetables or share high-calorie dishes.


Smart Shopping Habits


  • Shop with a list to avoid impulse buys, especially when hungry or tired.
  • Choose smaller packages of tempting foods to control portion sizes.
  • Read labels to make healthier choices.


Incorporating Regular Exercise


  • Be physically active every day.
  • Find activities you enjoy and try getting an exercise buddy for more motivation.


Maintaining a Healthy Attitude


  • Set health goals over scale numbers.
  • Adopt healthy eating as a lifestyle – not a temporary diet.
  • Accept long-term changes that you can keep up with.


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