What is total shoulder replacement / arthroplasty?

Total shoulder arthroplasty is also called shoulder arthroplasty. It involves replacing damaged shoulder joint parts with prosthetic components. This is a major operation, but can be very effective at reducing pain and improving function in people with severely damaged shoulder joints.

The procedure involves implanting artificial components into the shoulder blade, such as a plastic socket or a metal ball that is attached to a stem and fits into the upper arm.

Surgery is usually recommended to individuals who have severe arthritis, irreparable tears in the rotator-cuff, or other conditions that affect the shoulder joints. Total shoulder replacement is designed to improve mobility, reduce pain, and enhance overall joint function.

Physical therapy and rehabilitation are essential components of the postoperative recovery process. They help patients regain strength, flexibility and functionality after shoulder surgery. The decision to have a total shoulder replacement depends on the individual's medical condition and the recommendation of a healthcare professional.

The indications for total shoulder replacement


A cartilage that has worn down can cause pain and stiffness.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

A condition that causes inflammation and damage in the shoulder joint.

Post-traumatic arthritis

Arthritis can develop after a shoulder fracture or severe injury.

Arthropathy Rotator Cuff Tear

Shoulder dysfunction and arthritis are caused by severe rotator cuff tears.

Avascular Necrosis

Blood flow is reduced to the head of the bone, which causes bone death and collapse.

Severe fractures

Shoulder fractures that are complex and cannot be treated by other methods.

Shoulder surgery that failed

If previous shoulder surgery has not been successful or caused complications.


The loss of blood supply can lead to bone death, which may require TSR.

Surgery Procedure


To ensure that the patient is comfortable and pain free during the procedure, they will be placed under general or combined anesthesia.


In order to expose the damaged shoulder joint, the surgeon makes an incision at the front of your shoulder.

Glenoid preparation

The surgeon can attach prosthetic components to the glenoid if the shoulder socket is damaged.

Humerus Preparation

The surgeon prepares the bone for the humeral component by removing the damaged or arthritic head of the upper bones (Humerus).

Implant Placement

The artificial components are then inserted. The humeral component is usually a metal stem and ball, whereas the glenoid part can be made of plastic or metal. Details can be secured by cement or pressed into the bone.


Incisions are closed with staples or sutures, and a sterile bandage is applied.

Rehabilitation and Recovery

First Four Weeks

  • Pain Management

Pain and swelling can be managed with the help of medications and physical therapy.

  • Use of Sling

Wear a sling to promote healing and protect the joint.

  • Exercises that improve passive range of motion

The therapist will move the arm gently to maintain mobility and prevent stiffness.

  • Exercises Light Isometric

To maintain strength, you will contract your muscles without moving the arm.

Six to twelve week (progressional stages)

  • Increase your range of motion gradually

Your therapist will guide you to move your arm in a wider range of motion.

  • Strengthening Exercise

As you gain muscle strength, you will begin to perform light strengthening exercises.

  • Functional Activities

Start practicing daily essentials like dressing, reaching and bathing.

Three to six month (Last stages)

  • Strengthening and stretching for advanced athletes

Strength, flexibility and coordination are improved by increasing the difficulty of exercise.

  • Return to specific Activities

You can slowly resume your sports and recreational activities with the help of your therapist, modifying them as necessary.

Risques and Complications

Total shoulder replacement is not without its risks. Although the procedure is usually safe and successful it is important to be aware of these potential risks before proceeding.

General Risks

  • Infection is rare (between 1 and 2%), but it can be a serious problem that requires prompt antibiotic treatment, as well as possible additional surgical intervention.
  • Despite preventive measures, blood clots such as deep-vein thrombosis in the legs or pulmonary embolism in the lungs can still occur.
  • Nerve damage during surgery can cause numbness or weakness in the arm and shoulder.
  • A blood transfusion may be necessary if there is excessive bleeding during or following surgery.
  • A surgical procedure can cause an allergic reaction due to the medication or anesthesia used.

TSR Specific Complications

  • The loosening of implants can cause pain and instability, as the artificial components could detach themselves from the bone. This may require revision surgery.
  • Even after rehabilitation, stiffness can persist. This is characterized by a limited range of motion, and the potential for frozen shoulders.
  • It is possible that instability can occur and lead to dislocation. This may require additional surgery or manipulation.
  • Fractures of the bone around the implant can occur during surgery, or later due to trauma or falls.
  • Implant materials may degrade with time and wear out, requiring replacement.
  • Cosmetic concerns such as visible scars and minor differences in shoulder appearance may result.

The cost of shoulder replacement surgery in Chennai

The cost of shoulder replacement in Chennai ranges from Rs 340,000 to Rs 450,000.

The Best Shoulder Replacement Surgeon in Chennai

Dr Shriram Kumaramoorthy from Shri Bone & Joint Clinic is the best surgeon in Chennai for Total Shoulder Replacement. He has more than ten years' experience in the field.

He is an orthopedic surgeon who has been certified by the National Board of Orthopedic Surgery. He is passionate when it comes to knee and shoulder injuries. He has performed 1000 knee replacements at Fortis Malar Hospital.

Best Hospital in Chennai for Shoulder Replacement/Arthroplasty

Shri Bone & Joint Clinic in Chennai, Tamil Nadu is the best hospital to perform Total Shoulder arthroplasty. We offer the best total shoulder replacement treatment at a minimal and affordable medical cost.

Shri Bone & Joint Clinic provides the best care to all patients who come in for treatment of knee-related problems. We are open 24/7 and welcome you to come in at any time. You can also call ahead to confirm the availability of the doctor.

The doctor will schedule the appointment for the patient on the same date, if he is available. Patients who walk in with an emergency receive the same priority as patients with appointments.

Find immediate relief from knee problems at Shri Bone & Joint Clinic, Chennai. Our mission is superior healthcare for you.

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