Murray was back to being the go-to player for the Cowboys. But it was a matter of time, as the Cowboys struggling to hold a three-point advantage at 10-7. it was the right time for Bryant to don his cape.
Murray was able to run three straight times to bring the Cowboys all the way down to the Texans two-yard line on their first full series of the fourth quarter. It was more than 10 minutes left in the game . The Cowboys arrived at the goal line on Murray along with a tight player, and three receivers in the formation. One of those receivers Dwayne Harris, initially lined up in the slot to the left , with Dez to his right. He then moved over to the other end of the central and lined up directly behind the tight end Jason Witten.
The problem of the Texans is that the corner who was sitting opposite Harris as he was aligned in the slot accompanied Harris when he walked across. This showed that the Texans were in man-toman coverage with seventh-round rookie cornerback Andre Hal lined up out between Bryant and Bryant trying to protect the entire field by his self. The play was finished before the center caught the ball. Dez was right on Hal but then turned around and quickly caught the back shoulder fade of Tony Romo for a touchdown to put the Cowboys ahead, 17-7.
They deserve credit for their efforts. Texans didn't give up to score a field-goal as well as a touchdown on consecutive drives to draw the game. Cowboys kicker Dan Bailey missed a 53-yard field goal with time running out, pushing the game into overtime. The Texans were the winners of the coin flip and chose to receive. However the momentum they gained on offense didn't quite last into the extra time and they had to punt when they got all the way down to the Cowboys at the 48-yard line.
The advantage was that Texans were able to pin the Cowboys back into their own territory, with a excellent punt. Dallas had to begin their drive at the 10-yard mark of their territory. If the Texans could keep them pinned down there, while forcing a punt, there was a decent chance that they could get the ball with excellent field position. All they needed was the field goal to be victorious. They did concede a second down in the first quarter to the Cowboys however, following an ineffective pass and a stop of Murray for just a yard or more at a time, the Texans found the Cowboys on third-and-9 at Their own line of 32 yards. This is still a great opportunity as a defense.
However, they were also tough-headed, and you're aware of what happens to people with hard-headed minds aren't you?
Instead of rushing four they have one the best damn players to rush passes football's witnessed with J.J. Watt -- and also playing coverage, the Texans made the decision to rush Romo. In theory, this sounds like a sensible plan. Watt had won some matches but was not been able to sack Romo for the entirety of the game. Romo also has a reputation earned or not for making big mistakes under pressure at the end of the game. Here is where the theory lies: In the blitz, you're once again going to have Dez Bryant thrown into coverage. Are you really looking forward to those issues?
Okay Then they have decided to not place the rookie seventh-rounder out there on Dez instead, opting to put their best corner on him -- Johnathan Joseph. Whoop-de-damn-do. When the ball was snapped, and Romo saw the safety that was favored by Bryant's side of the field shift towards the middle, it didn't make a damn difference which player was in front of him. Romo was able to throw the ball to Dez's direction before falling down to avoid a vicious blow from Texans security D.J. Swearinger, knowing that if the ball was close to the line Bryant would be able to catch it.
That's exactly what Dez did in stunning fashion.
Joseph was in a good spot, and truth be told most likely should have been called for pass interference because Joseph never glanced back at the ball and put his hands into Bryant's face. None of that mattered. The truth is that it never matters.
Bryant leapt above Joseph and reached over his head to catch the ball then, after briefly bobbling the ball, he locked it after he struck the ground with Joseph on top of him. He's just too big and too strong for one person to Mut 24 coins stop him a throw. Just like that, after 37 yards, Bryant was able to placed his team in the field goal zone and was in position to win the game.
Sure, some receivers are taller and larger. Some are certainly faster, too. But if it were up to me, I'd pick Dez Bryant over everyone else each and every time because I believe he will make the same plays as he did Sunday in every game, no matter who you put on him.
With only four games this week, there are just one or two venues to be concerned about weather wise. It starts with the games on Saturday. Cincinnati and Houston playing at Reliant Stadium and Minnesota and Green Bay at Lambeau Field.
Houston is in the midst of showers but with rain likely throughout the afternoon, most likely, Mut 24 coins the fans are at Reliant Stadium will close the roof. This could be more of an indoor event as opposed to an outdoor.
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