The Peptide Therapeutics Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 44,386.9 Mn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 6.6% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights.

Market Overview:
Peptide therapeutics are small molecule drugs composed of two or more amino acids. They interact with receptors or enzymes and can be used to treat conditions such as cancers, metabolic diseases, hormonal insufficiency, infectious diseases, and cardiovascular disorders. Advantages of peptide drugs include high potency, selectivity, and fewer side effects than traditional small molecule drugs. However, stability and delivery challenges limit use of peptides as drugs.

Market key trends:
One of the key trends driving the peptide therapeutics market growth is increasing peptide drug pipeline. Pharmaceutical companies are conducting extensive R&D to develop peptide-based drugs for various diseases with high unmet need. For instance, according to the Biopharmaceutical Pipeline Report there were over 150 peptide drugs in clinical trials in 2019 compared to 120 in 2018. Additionally, over 50 new peptide drug candidates entered clinical trials in 2019 indicating robust pipeline growth. Leading this trend is cancer therapeutics, hormone replacement, metabolic disorders, and antimicrobial peptides. An expanding pipeline validates the potential of peptides as an alternative to traditional drugs and bodes well for the peptide therapeutics market over the forecast period.

Porter's Analysis

Threat of new entrants: The peptide therapeutics market requires significant investments in R&D along with establishing manufacturing facilities. This poses high entry barriers for new players.
Bargaining power of buyers: The presence of numerous peptide therapy manufacturers limits the bargaining power of buyers. However, large pharmaceutical companies can negotiate better prices.
Bargaining power of suppliers: A few key suppliers hold major shares of crucial raw materials including amino acids. This provides them significant bargaining power over manufacturers.
Threat of new substitutes: Alternatives like small molecule drugs pose significant threats. However, peptides offer better target specificity over substitutes.
Competitive rivalry: The market consists of few dominant global players and regional small companies. Intense competition exists in developing novel peptide-based drugs and formulations.

SWOT Analysis

Strength: Peptides have high specificity and affinity for targets. They can be administered through various routes with improved tolerability and less immune response.
Weakness: High development costs. Difficult and expensive manufacturing process. Short half-life requiring frequent dosing.
Opportunity: Rising focus on personalized medicine and precision therapy. Increasing collaborations for developing novel applications.
Threats: Stringent regulations for approval. Threat from biosimilars once patents expire. Reimbursement issues in certain regions.

Key Takeaways

The global peptide therapeutics market is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting CAGR of 6.6% over the forecast period, due to increasing prevalence of metabolic disorders and rising availability of funding for R&D projects. North America dominated the market in 2023 due to strong economy, rising healthcare expenditure, and availability of advanced healthcare facilities. However, Asia Pacific is expected to grow at the fastest pace during the forecast period owing to increasing generic manufacturing in India and China along with rising healthcare standards.

Regional analysis

The Asia Pacific region is projected to witness the highest growth rate during the forecast period. This is due to factors such as the growing penetration of cutting-edge technologies, rising healthcare expenditure, increasing collaborations between pharmaceutical companies and research organizations, and improving regulatory guidelines for drug development procedures in emerging Asian countries like India and China.

Key players

Key players operating in the peptide therapeutics market are Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd, Novo Nordisk A/S, OPKO Health Inc., Lilly, Hanmi Pharm.Co., Sanofi, Circle Pharma, Pfizer Inc., Novartis AG, PeptiDream Inc., Amgen Inc., AstraZeneca, Bachem Holding AG, CordenPharma International, Ipsen Pharma, Merck KGaA, PolyPeptide Group, Bayer AG.


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