Employee benefits are going to be a key component of any compensation plan you choose to offer to your employees. While the salary you offer is very important, you will find that candidates who have more than one job offer will focus more on the employee benefits they can receive, rather than on the compensation in the form of salary. If you want to bring in good talent, you need to catch their eye with a good benefits package. This is also a good way to help improve employee retention, engagement, and productivity, which are all good things for your business.


According to one study done, 90% of respondents say that healthcare is a very important employee benefit that they are looking for when searching for a new job. This means that you will want to consider offering a good healthcare plan to all current and future employees if you want them to choose your business over someone else. 83% also say that flexible work and leave time are very important. Not all jobs allow this, but if it is something you can do, it may be a good idea to offer it.


Employee benefits can also help improve employee engagement and productivity. In one study done, it found that those employers who had a high level of engagement and productivity also offered a wide variety of different benefits like flexible hours, wellness benefits, retirement, healthcare, and paid leave. If you want to get more out of your workers, then you need to offer them the benefits they crave.


Employee benefits are also great for improving retention of current employees. It is estimated that 60% of employees say that their benefits were very important when they were making the decision to stay with their current employer or go with someone else. If the current employer did not offer very good employee benefits, then the employee was more likely to leave. This is costly for a lot of companies when they need to recruit, hire, and train someone new to do that same position.


Offering employee benefits to your team is going to be so important if you would like to retain and attract new talent through the door. If you choose to ignore this issue, then you will find that many employees will leave and you will not be able to attract in some of the good talent that you need. Our team is here to provide you with the assistance you need figuring out your North Carolina employee benefits. We have the necessary experience to take on this task and advise you with the best options for all your needs!



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