If you have process indicators and you want to improve your business performance, then this blog is worth a read. By analyzing and tracking your indicators, you will be able to discover the areas where improvement is needed for more efficiency, profitability, and effectiveness.


In this blog, you’ll learn a few steps to track and analyze process indicator for continuous improvement.


Buy the right process indicators


The first step is to choose the right product. This is important because process indicators available in the market are not equal. The right one varies depending on your goals, industry, and type of business. 


Electro Med is one of the well-reputed manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors of process indicators. Its product, PRxx Process Indicator is a family of microcontrollers that offer 4 1/2 digit and 5-digit process indicators, for 4-20mA signal input.


Align your indicator with goals


Make sure to align your process indicator with your business goal. By setting the unit to your objective, you will be able to track the progress smoothly. 


Set targets


The next step is to set your target in order to gauge your progress. This will not just let you measure your progress, but also determine the areas where improvement is required. 


Collect data 


After aligning your indicators to your target, start collecting data on them regularly. Extract the data by using software or you can collect it manually. 


Use data visualization software


If required, opt for a data visualization tool. This tool will help you make your data more meaningful, which will further lead to showing you the patterns and trends in your data that you might otherwise be unable to see.


Analyze your data


After you collect the data, proceed further to analyze it. Your goal should be to find the areas of improvement. In your analysis process, consider the following points:

  • Determining trends over time
  • Comparing your performance to your target
  • Finding areas where you’re behind your target


Take action for improvement


Taking action to improve your performance is one of the important steps. The actions include the following steps:

  • Investing in new technology
  • Changing your processes if it is not working properly
  • Providing proper training to your staff


Continue tracking


After making improvements, continue your tracking and analysis process. Aim at ensuring that you are maintaining your gains and profits.




These are the tips to track and analyze your Process Indicators to ensure continuous improvement. You will be able to identify any new areas of improvement in the future. In the tracking and analysis process, Electro Med can play a very important role by choosing the best quality and highly trusted Process Indicators. To know details about our product, let’s get in touch. 

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