Yoga poses for glowing skin can help rejuvenate and revitalise your complexion. Certain asanas, like the Sirsasana, or headstand, improve blood circulation to the face, promoting a radiant glow. Twists, such as the Parivritta Trikonasana, or reverse triangle, help detoxify the body, leading to clearer skin. The Adho Mukha Savasana, or downward dog, aids in flushing out toxins and increasing the oxygen supply to the skin, leaving it looking fresh and healthy. Additionally, Supta Virasana, or reclining hero pose, can reduce stress, which contributes to a more radiant complexion. Regularly practicing these yoga poses, along with a healthy lifestyle, can contribute to achieving glowing skin naturally.

Sure, here are the 6 best yoga poses for glowing skin, based on the information from the provided source:

1. 30-Second Forward Fold:

This simple pose involves standing with your feet hip-width apart and bending forward from your hips. Relax your head and arms, and keep your knees slightly bent. Holding this pose for about one minute increases circulation to your face, creating a quick but powerful radiance. It helps release tension throughout the body and increases oxygen and blood flow to the face.

2. Seated Twist:

Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you, bend your right knee over your left leg, and place your right foot next to your left thigh. Stretch your right fingertips towards the mat behind you while bringing your left arm around the outside of your right knee. Twists stimulate blood flow to the digestive and detox organs (liver and kidneys), aiding the body in eliminating toxins that can lead to inflammation visible in your face.

3. Inversion (Dolphin Pose):

This pose is similar to the downward-facing dog but is done on the forearms, with the head moving below the heart. Practicing inversions increases the circulation of oxygen and nutrients to your face, almost like giving yourself a mini facial. It involves lowering your elbows to the mat, tucking your toes, and lifting your pelvis up towards the ceiling.

4. Cat-Cow:

Start on all fours, inhale as you look up to the sky, and sink your belly towards the floor (cow pose), then exhale and reverse the move by tucking your head into your chest and arching your back (cat pose). This gentle movement gets your digestive system moving and can be a great way to start your day.

5. Restorative Pose (Goddess):

Stand with your feet 3 feet apart and turned at a 45-degree angle, facing the corners of the room. Sink into a squat and extend your arms up, with your elbows aligned with your shoulders and parallel to the ground. This restorative pose can help relieve inflammation that results from stress.

6. Sun Salutations:

Sun salutations are a sequence of yoga poses that flow together, including mountain pose, forward bend, plank pose, cobra or upward-facing dog, downward-facing dog, and others. The movement involved in sun salutations energises the whole body, including your face, and can deliver fresh energy to your face and spirit.


The information provided includes a list of six yoga poses that are beneficial for promoting glowing skin, as mentioned in the provided source. Remember, consistent practice of these yoga poses, along with a healthy lifestyle and skincare routine, can contribute to a glowing complexion and improved overall well-being.

SOURCE: Yoga Poses for Glowing Skin

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