Sure, here's a step-by-step learning path to get started with Azure DevOps:

  1. Get familiar with Azure DevOps:
  • Read the Azure DevOps documentation to get an overview of what it is and what it can do.
  • Watch Microsoft's introductory video series on Azure DevOps to understand the concepts and features.
  1. Set up an Azure DevOps account:
  • Sign up for a free Azure DevOps account if you don't already have one.
  • Explore the Azure DevOps interface and understand the different areas and features.
  1. Learn about version control:
  • Azure DevOps offers several options for version control, including Git and Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC).
  • Learn the basics of version control and how to use Git or TFVC in Azure DevOps.
  1. Learn about continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD):
  • CI/CD is a key feature of Azure DevOps. Learn how to set up continuous integration and delivery pipelines to automate builds and deployments.
  1. Explore Azure DevOps extensions:
  • Azure DevOps offers a range of extensions to enhance its functionality. Explore the marketplace and try out some extensions that interest you.
  1. Learn about testing:
  • Azure DevOps offers testing tools and frameworks to help ensure software quality. Learn about the different types of testing and how to use Azure DevOps for testing.
  1. Learn about Azure DevOps boards:
  • Azure DevOps boards offer project management tools to help teams manage work items, backlogs, and sprints. Learn how to use boards to track and manage work.
  1. Learn about Azure DevOps analytics:
  • Azure DevOps provides analytics tools to help teams gain insights into their development processes and make data-driven decisions. Learn how to use analytics to track progress and improve performance.
  1. Practice using Azure DevOps:
  • Set up a sample project in Azure DevOps and practice using its features. Experiment with different workflows and tools to get comfortable with the platform.
  1. Join the Azure DevOps community:
  • Connect with other Azure DevOps users and learn from their experiences. Join the Azure DevOps community on social media, forums, and user groups to stay up-to-date on the latest developments and best practices. Join Us: Devops Training in Chennai
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