It can be a difficult and emotionally draining experience to deal with the legal and financial ramifications of losing a loved one. An individual's estate, which consists of all of their property, debts, and assets, must be properly administered and distributed after death.

Through this blog we will discuss who is an administrator of an estate and what their job responsibilities are. In order to write this blog, references have been taken from an expert Probate Lawyer In Washington DC, Harold G. Ognelodh.  

Administrator of an Estate  

In legal terms, an administrator is someone appointed to oversee the estate administration process when the deceased has not left behind a valid will or has not appointed an executor. 

Key Responsibilities of an Administrator

  • Estate Identification: The first and crucial responsibility of an administrator is to identify all the assets, debts, and liabilities of the deceased. This might include bank accounts, investments, real estate, personal belongings, and outstanding loans.
  • Probate Process: If the deceased left behind a will, the court will validate it through a process called probate. However, in the absence of a will, the administrator must follow the laws of intestacy of the state to distribute the assets to the rightful heirs.
  • Asset Protection: Until the estate is fully administered and distributed, the administrator is responsible for safeguarding and managing the assets. This includes securing property, collecting debts owed to the deceased, and managing investments.
  • Debt Settlement: The administrator must also handle settling any outstanding debts and liabilities of the deceased, such as credit card debts, mortgages, and medical bills. The debts are usually paid from the assets of the estate.
  • Inventory and Appraisal: It is essential to prepare a comprehensive inventory of the deceased's assets, along with their value. This helps in the fair distribution of assets to beneficiaries or heirs.
  • Tax Filings: Administrators are also responsible for filing the deceased's final income tax return and, if necessary, an estate tax return.
  • Distribution of Assets: Following the legal procedures, the administrator oversees the fair distribution of assets to beneficiaries or heirs. If there is no will, state law will determine the order of distribution among surviving relatives.
  • Communication with Beneficiaries: Throughout the estate administration process, the administrator must communicate transparently with beneficiaries, keeping them informed about the progress and addressing any concerns.

It is important to note that the role of an administrator is very crucial.Therefore, it is advisable for administrators to seek legal counsel or hire an estate attorney to ensure they fulfill their responsibilities correctly.

To appoint Estates Administration Attorney In Washington DC you may visit Washington Law Partners (WLP) firm. The firm has experienced estate attorneys who will walk one through the entire procedure. 

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