

Maintaining safe and accessible pathways, sidewalks, and surfaces is essential for any public or private property. However, over time, concrete surfaces can settle and become uneven, presenting potential tripping hazards and accessibility issues. Traditional methods of concrete repair and leveling often involve disruptive and costly procedures. Fortunately, ADA polyurethane concrete raising offers a superior alternative, providing numerous benefits in terms of efficiency, durability, and accessibility. In this blog, we will explore the advantages of ADA polyurethane concrete raising and how it revolutionizes concrete repair while complying with the principles of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).


Understanding ADA Polyurethane Concrete Raising


ADA polyurethane concrete raising, also known as polyurethane foam lifting or foam jacking, is an innovative and non-invasive method of repairing sunken or uneven concrete surfaces. It involves injecting high-density polyurethane foam into voids and gaps beneath the concrete, causing it to expand and lift the sunken slab back to its original level. This process is specifically designed to address accessibility concerns and ensures that concrete surfaces meet the ADA's requirements for smooth and even pathways.


The Advantages of ADA Polyurethane Concrete Raising


Accessibility Compliance: ADA polyurethane concrete raising directly addresses the issue of uneven and hazardous concrete surfaces, ensuring compliance with ADA regulations for accessibility. By restoring the levelness of pathways and sidewalks, it provides a safe and convenient experience for all pedestrians, including those with disabilities.


Non-Invasive: Unlike traditional concrete repair methods that involve excavation and replacement, polyurethane concrete raising is minimally invasive. Small injection holes are drilled into the concrete, and the expanding foam does the rest. This results in less disruption to the surrounding area and reduced downtime for the repaired surface.


Quick and Efficient: Polyurethane concrete raising is a rapid process, often taking hours to complete, compared to the days or weeks required for traditional repairs. The lifted concrete can be used almost immediately after the repair, minimizing inconvenience for property owners and users.


Cost-Effective: Due to its efficiency and minimal labor requirements, ADA polyurethane concrete raising can be more cost-effective than traditional repair methods. It eliminates the need for extensive excavation and costly material replacement, resulting in significant cost savings.


Environmentally Friendly: The polyurethane foam used in the process is eco-friendly, as it is made from recycled materials. Additionally, the non-toxic foam is resistant to moisture and will not leach harmful chemicals into the soil or groundwater.


Long-Lasting Results: Polyurethane foam is highly durable, ensuring long-lasting results for the repaired concrete surfaces. Its lightweight nature reduces the risk of future settling and ensures that the surface remains stable and even over time.




ADA polyurethane concrete raising is a game-changer in the realm of concrete repair, offering a superior solution to address accessibility concerns and uneven surfaces. By complying with ADA regulations, this innovative method ensures that public and private spaces remain safe and welcoming to all individuals, regardless of their mobility. Its non-invasive and efficient process, coupled with its cost-effectiveness and long-lasting results, makes it an attractive choice for property owners and managers seeking to maintain accessible and hazard-free concrete surfaces. Embrace the advantages of ADA polyurethane concrete raising and lift accessibility to new heights!

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