Latest Trends and Innovations in IVF Treatment

Becoming parents is a dream of many infertile couples but with the ever-evolving world of assisted reproductive technology fertility treatments have become advanced. In vitro fertilization (IVF) has evolved and improved in recent years, resulting in better outcomes and more options for treatment. As we move toward 2024, the field of IVF has redefined fertility methods. Let's look at the latest developments and innovations in fertility treatment.

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IVF in 2024: Latest Trends and Innovations in Fertility Treatment
As we step into 2024, the field of IVF redefined fertility procedures. Let’s explore what are the latest trends and innovations in fertility...
5 Things You Should Know About IVF Process

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is a difficult procedure that requires advanced technology and laboratories. During the IVF process, the IVF specialist performs certain steps. The first stage is ovarian stimulation, and the egg is collected for further processing. After that, a specialist collects the sperm. The sperm and egg are then fertilized in a laboratory setting at a specified temperature. When embryo production begins, it is moved to the uterus fo...  more
Understand the Common Symptoms of Infertility

Are you attempting to have a baby but the pregnancy isn't happening? You might be asking why this is happening. The cause could be infertility. Infertility means that you cannot conceive after having unprotected regular sex for six months to a year, even if you are in your 20s or 30s. If you want to know the symptoms of infertility, we can inform you!

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Can Fibroids Cause Infertility?

As an infertile women seeking solutions, it is important to look into possible causes. Uterine fibroids, which affect 40% of women aged 30-40, may actually affect fertility. These non-cancerous growths in the uterus may affect fertility by changing uterine structure, interfering with implantation, or distorting the shape of the uterine cavity. Fibroids may block fallopian tubes or change blood flow to the uterus, preventing conception. Seeking medical examination...  more
Fibroids and Fertility: Can Fibroids Cause Infertility?
Are you an infertile woman who has been trying to conceive a baby for the past few years? Let’s understand the relationship between fibroids and...
IUI Failure: What To Do For Successful Pregnancy?

Every year, an increasing number of infertile couples seek infertility treatment and hope to have a child. IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination) is an infertility treatment in which sperms are washed and then inserted in the uterus, increasing the likelihood of conception by bringing highly concentrated, motile, and normal sperms close to the egg at the time of ovulation. This technique has a success rate of 10-20% and may not work in 80% of people. ...  more
IUI Failure: What To Do For Successful Pregnancy? - Dr. Richa
One of the common reasons for IUI failure is Poor Sperm quality. Let's explore what are these reasons and what to do for a successful pregnancy.
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