Morris Water Maze Test
What is Morris Water Maze Test? The Morris water maze is a test based on the habit of mice that are averse to being in water and are forced to swim to find a platform hidden in the water, and...
Why need animal cognitive behavioral tests?
Understanding animal behavior: These tests help researchers gain insight into how animals think, learn, and solve problems. By conducting cognitive behavioral tests, scientists can better...
Viral Vector Characterization: Why and How
Why need viral vector characterization? Cell and gene therapies for various rare diseases are currently undergoing clinical trials worldwide. The rapid development in this field has led to an...
Rare Disease Research Challenges and Innovations
What is a rare disease? A rare disease, also known as an orphan disease, is a medical condition that affects a small number of people. In most countries, a disease is considered rare when it...
Nucleic Acid and Plasmid Analysis for Rare Diseases
Characterization of plasmids or nucleic acid constructs is fundamental to the development of gene therapy approaches. We are committed to providing automated and highly sensitive analytical...
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