As an avid Instagram user, you may find yourself wanting to create and manage multiple accounts on the platform. Whether for business or personal use, running more than one Instagram account allows you to share different sides of your interests and talents.

However, keeping up with posting and engagement across accounts can quickly become overwhelming if you don't have an effective strategy in place.

This guide provides the key steps you need to successfully add, optimize, and manage multiple Instagram accounts.

From choosing account types and themes to scheduling content and monitoring performance, you'll discover how to balance it all while maintaining an active presence on each profile.

With the right techniques and tools, you'll be running an Instagram empire in no time.

Why Have Multiple Instagram Accounts?

As an influencer or business, having multiple Instagram accounts can be highly beneficial. Here are a few of the main reasons to consider managing more than one Instagram profile:

  • Reach new audiences. Different accounts can focus on different topics, products, or brands you want to promote. This allows you to connect with more people who may be interested in what you have to offer.
  • Highlight different products or services. For companies, multiple Instagram accounts are an easy way to showcase various product lines or brands under one organization. Followers can follow the accounts that interest them most.
  • Increase engagement. With more accounts, you have more opportunities to post content and interact with your followers. This can lead to higher overall engagement and traffic. However, be careful not to overwhelm your audience with too much content.
  • Gain more followers. Having a presence on Instagram in multiple areas of interest gives you a chance to reach new potential followers.

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But avoid being spammy, and make sure each account provides value to its target audience.

  • Stay within Instagram's limits. Instagram places limits on how often you can post and factors like hashtag use. Multiple accounts allow you to maximize your Instagram marketing efforts while staying within the platform's restrictions.

In summary, running several Instagram accounts, when done strategically, can be an effective way to expand your influencer or social media marketing efforts.

But be sure to keep each account active and post valuable content for its intended audience.

With the right approach, managing multiple Instagram profiles can take your business or personal brand to the next level.

Creating Multiple Instagram Accounts

To effectively manage multiple Instagram accounts, you must first create additional profiles.

By following these best practices, you can successfully create and manage multiple Instagram accounts for your business and personal use. With some consistency and organization, handling more than one profile can become second nature.

The key is starting with a solid setup and system to keep everything running smoothly.

Switching Between Accounts

To efficiently manage multiple Instagram accounts, you’ll need to master switching between them. This allows you to access each profile and complete necessary tasks without having to log in and out each time.

Add Accounts to the Instagram App

The first step is adding your additional Instagram accounts to the Instagram app on your mobile device. Open the app and tap the profile icon to access your settings. Repeat this process to add all accounts you need to access.

Switching Accounts

Once your accounts have been added, switching between them is simple. Tap the profile icon again to view your list of added accounts. Tap the account you want to access and you’ll instantly switch to that profile.

You can like and comment on posts, share stories, send messages, and complete any other actions as needed.

Turn On Notifications for All Accounts

To stay on top of activity and engagement for all profiles, turn on notifications for each added account.

This will ensure you receive alerts for comments, likes, mentions, and any other notifications for all accounts directly to your device.

Use a Separate App for Business and Personal

If you prefer to keep your business and personal Instagram accounts completely separate, you have the option to use two different apps.

Download the Instagram app twice on your device. You can then turn on notifications for both apps to monitor all activity.

Analytics and Monitoring for Your Instagram Accounts

To effectively manage multiple Instagram accounts, you need to closely monitor key metrics and analytics for each profile.

This allows you to track growth, engagement, and areas for improvement so you can optimize your content and strategy.

Follower Growth

Monitor your follower count regularly to see which accounts are gaining the most new followers over time. Look for any significant drops in followers as well, which could indicate an issue with your content or account that needs to be addressed.

Some tools to track follower growth include:

  • Instagram Insights - Instagram’s built-in analytics tool shows you follower growth over the last week, month, and year. Check each account’s Insights to compare growth rates.

Engagement Metrics

Engagement is key to account growth and success on Instagram. Monitor metrics like likes, comments, story views, and profile visits for each account.

Some tools for tracking engagement include:

  • Instagram Insights - Again, Instagram’s built-in analytics provide data on your posts’ likes, comments, story views, and profile visits. Check each account’s Insights to see which profiles have the highest engagement rates.
  • Key metrics - This paid tool gives you detailed metrics on your posts’ likes, comments, and story views over time. It also provides benchmarks so you can see how your accounts’ engagement rates compare to industry averages.
  • Social Blade - Social Blade’s free analytics provide basic data on your average likes and comments per post, as well as your posts’ like and comment ratios. Use it to do a quick check-in on your accounts’ engagement.

By regularly monitoring growth, engagement, and other key metrics across your Instagram accounts, you gain valuable insights to help boost your social media marketing efforts.

Make data-driven decisions to improve the content, increase followers, and build brand awareness on Instagram.


As you have learned, running multiple Instagram accounts does not have to be complicated or time-consuming. With some simple strategies for organization and scheduling, you can efficiently manage different profiles and build your social media influence.

The key is starting with a plan for each account's purpose and target audience.

Then establish a consistent posting schedule and use tools to keep everything streamlined.

Do not get overwhelmed by trying to do too much at once. Start with a few accounts and build up as you get into a rhythm.

If you follow the best practices outlined here, you will be managing multiple Instagram profiles like a pro in no time.

The opportunities to connect with more people and grow your brand are endless. Now get out there and start posting!

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